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GBPusd overview

According to the data released in the UK in May, retail sales data was 1.3 percent on a monthly basis and 3.9 percent on an annual basis, while non-fuel Core retail sales were 1.3 percent on a monthly basis and 4.4 percent on a monthly basis. On brexit, the House of Commons, the lower wing of Parliament, rejected the changes made by the House of Lords in the Brexit bill. The rejected changes included those that would lead the country to remain in the European Economic Zone and Customs Union. The…
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EURusd overview

ahead of the critical fed meeting 1,1730 parity continues to cling to the support. There is the expectation of rate hikes from the Fed, but both with question marks 2018 PCE inflation, interest rate expectations both members subject to the gaze. So, even though the interest rate is increasing expectations 2018 Pigeon if we can see a move against the dollar at parity. Now calm volatility in the options market
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9 "весомых" трендов 2016

1. Парик. Все знают , что Кайли королева париков, но первой тренд задала Джи Джи Хадид на церемонии АМА. Боб, каре, невероятные карамельные оттенки - играйте с париками и шиньонами, не причиняя вред своей шевелюре.
2. Бронзовые тени (матовые ). Добавят нотку тепла и сделают ярче любой цвет глаз.
3.Украшения проборов глитерами.
4.Блеск all over. Помады , лосьоны, гели , пудры -выбор на любой вкус. На некоторых показах в блестки облачали даже бороду. А на что решитесь Вы ?
5.Ногти стилеты. Заостре…
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tdbatinkov avatar

this is an interesting post

mcquak avatar
mcquak 9 Ene

It's long time ago I've read in azbuka so it'll take me some time!

JuliannaS avatar

Yes , I understand )))

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 18 Ene

Great info

alias1980 avatar


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