AdamFx42's Blog


No movement yet in NzdUsd

I am holding on to Nzd longs but nothing seems to be happening

I have two Nzd long positions now, I had a NzdUsd that I carried across the weekend
and I have added a NzdChf long the day before yesterday
Still, there is no movement in Nzd, so I will have to be patient for now
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NZDUsd still stuck just above last weeks lows

I have a NzdUsd long position that may be in trouble

My NzdUsd long is stuck just above friday's lows of 0.6720
I need this pair to move up if I want any chance of regaining myself in
this month's contest
I have comitted myself to trading Nzd and Aud longs this month
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Opening long NZD and AUD positions again from lows

I am starting to open long positions Aud and Nzd again

Buying Nzd and Aud positions from lows has been the tactic this month
I am stuck with a few Usd shorts for now,
but I don't trust them anymore now that they are not moving down fast enough
I have opened a NzdUsd long from support/deep retracement last week
and will be looking to go long more Aud and Nzd crosses
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Closing long positions today NZD and AUD

I have closed my long positions Aud and Nzd today

I was up to 230K today and decided to close my positions for now
I am not sure if Nzd and Aud crosses are still moving up
I had a GbpNzd short that lost me some pips,
and I am looking to switch to another opportunity now
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Long AUD and long NZD positions doing well

I have done well today with long AudUsd and NzdUsd positions

At market close last Friday I had left buy limits
for Gbp, Eur and Aud and Nzd longs against the Usd
The GbpUsd and EurUsd longs were not triggered at market open last night
but the AudUsd and NzdUsd longs were, and did very well
I have added more Aud and Nzd longs, different crosses today
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Opened a long GbpUsd the first day

The first day of the May contest I am long Gbp

I opened a GbpUsd long today, after lots of Gbp downtime last week
GbpUsd dipped well below 1.37, and this seems a lot to me
I think there should be some retracement back up coming soon
I believe that will be towards 1.39 area at least
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Got my positions in

I have set my positions for the coming week in the contest
My AudNzd short is doing better today - I am up to 130K in the contest
I have opened a GbpNzd short,
and ~I have NzdUsd, NzdCad longs waiting
I will be looking for Nzd to do good this week,
and Gbp to be under pressure from renewed brexit fears/uncertainty
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One long USD position remains open

I have carried one long position into the weekend - UsdCad
a few hours After the FOMC I wanted to close my Usd long positions
I put tight stop losses on all longs, and I thought they were all closed
It appears my UsdCad long did not hit its stop loss -
although it was only 2 pips from it when I closed my trader platform last evening
all my other positions had hit their stop losses and were closed
I had just assumed it was closed
And then, after market close, when I looked at my trader contest a…
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Nice profit on FOMC

I made a nice profit just now after FOMC release
I went long UsdJpy just before the FOMC and slightly above 1.10
I added Usd crosses long, too
My UsdNok and UsdSek positions have done well
and I am now up to around 240K
I will retire for the weekend now
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Very tough trading around the GBP today

While I am convinced of a Tory victory in Great Britain today, trading it is hard
I went long Gbp all crosses, and short EurGbp today
I am only losing money, though
Gbp was down - I expected some glitches ahead of the election
but it is having a very tough time recovering
It is like traders will not position themselves towards a May victory
Like they are saying: ' the Gbp is going to drop'
What is this?
I expect a victory for May, as predicted - traders seem awfully carefull out there
Gbp should…
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