Erka_shildeg's Blog


Next Steps

Now the Contest Is Completed, Do This
Now, I ’ve just got finished my contest on a Dukascopy Marathon. Let’s talk about what to do now to:
  1. Keep my enthusiasm for continuing the good works that already started
  2. Take advantage of the momentum that gained during these 21 days
  3. Prepare to do it all over again, but this time, even better
  4. All of above
Mongolia: I want to share with you one of the interesting natural beauty which is about 40 kms from my home
So, what is next; Is the game over? Let’s …
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Summary of Results and Achievements
It is almost the time to complete the marathon, and I am proud that I have achieved the tasks during the last 21 days. It has given me great encouragement and motivation to pursue on right lifestyle and good habits to lead me to greater achievements.
One more day left to complete the marathon, it was pleasant and energetic days to post and read and get motivation from others.
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Tips on self improvement

Tips for Self-improvement
Our efficiency improves by applying simple handful few techniques. Some of these are:
  • Exercise increases blood circulation and oxygen supply to the brain and our brain power boosts
  • Every brain is wired and forms the habits by repeatedly doing the same action over course of time (21-66 days depending on difficulty levels of habits)
  • Sleeping well helps our body strength and clear focused thinking
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Weekly summary sheet

Weekly Progress
The results of the week starting from March 12 are much better than the week before and it looks like that I am on track almost in all 9 areas except meditation that forgotten twice.
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Medium term report

It is almost halfway to complete the marathon, it will be interesting to see what I have achieved so far and what needs to be corrected.
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Average person spends 12 years on social media

Time spend on the social media
I have not written much about benefits of spending less time on the social networks. This time, I will explain my rationale and knowledge that I obtained through various experiences and findings. Once Mark Twain said, “Astonishing things can be done with the human memory if you will devote it faithfully to one particular line of business”. The recent study report on the social media usage, reveals that average person spends 7 years on TV and 5 years on social medi…
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Aging Well versus Anti-Aging!

I was reading one of my favorite book "On Target Living" and section about lifestyle struck me and made me think about the importance of lifestyle, exercise and food habits. Most of us too concentrated on money making and occupied with business forgetting the most important part the self. I would like to share the fact in the following passages.
In 2004, Dan Buettner teamed up with National Geographic and hired the best longevity researchers to identify pockets around the world where people live…
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Weekly Progress

Weekly Progress
I am sharing my weekly progress measure. It looks like that I am on track but have failed in few areas. I was miscalculated my daily amount of water as 1.5 l until I found today that it has to be 2.1 l per day based on my age, height, weight, and nature of work I do. So I will increase it to 2.1 L from next week onwards.
Meditation. I tried several types of meditation but it was not as easy as I thought. So I made some researches and found a book about efficient thinking and medi…
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Achieving Balanced Life

Balanced Life
The foundation of attaining "Balanced life" is like a building a house. The most important part of the building is the foundation that in our case the discipline and persistence. We build the strategic plan as a floor on this foundation. The pillars of the house are the mental health the physical health, active lifestyle and proper rest. So we fill the pillars with do's and don'ts (see the items between pillars) to keep functioning effectively.
Implementing the plan acts as a ceili…
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Compound effect

How compound effect works
Recently I have been reading through a book titled “Compound Effect” written by Darren Hardy and it gave me a food for thought that I wanted to share with you a summary of the main points that come across to my attention. It describes three Friends- Mr. A, Mr. B, Mr. C. They’re all married and have an average health and body weight, plus a little bit of that dreaded “marriage flab.”
Condition at the beginning of the comparison
Mr. A- Starts making some small seemingly i…
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