
Running on a rake/Бегущие по граблям

Hi, dear community!
Today is the last day of the competition, and all my posts will be a bit of a personal nature.In the following words hidden subtext about my feelings, I hope you will understand it.
All we're not just step on a rake. It does not matter whether or not we are traders. Rakes there on any way. You are rich or poor, successful or not. Rakes - an integral part of the road. But that's why someone found some forces do not attack more once, invented workarounds, and some chose to go a
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Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 2014年10月31日

Мне кажется, что нигде нет столько «граблей», как на валютной или на фондовой бирже(

speculo_ergo_sum avatar
speculo_ergo_sum 2014年10月31日

well, people have very short memory, especially in trading

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月31日

speculo_ergo_sum The memory is one of the problem... But in this running i think the biggest problem that people haven't paticience..

marius24 avatar
marius24 2014年10月31日

wish you good luck

men79 avatar
men79 2014年11月02日

all the best


Time-Lapse Life

Good evening!!!
It is a pity that we can not write down our life on film, in order in specific point in time turn the desired frame, return everything back and forth and find what brought us success and led to the defeat.
This recording not present in our lives, but it exists in our memory ...
We just need to learn to keep the focus of the most important moments of life, been scrolled in the head as soon as something worth attention and of course learn to concentrate on the most important though
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Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 2014年10月26日


salamandra avatar
salamandra 2014年10月27日

серед усього цього куточок би живої дикої  природи.

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月27日

згодна.. технологіїї захоплюють світ і життя вже здається трішки штучним(


Behind the scenes (Notes for a trader)

Good day, dear friends!
Today i would like to consider the private subject.
Today's topic: Behind the scenes (or on the other side of the computer)
As with any other business, personal life has a profound effect on the psychological state of the trader, and in a consequence on the results of of the work.
I'm not going to look much far away and look in your privacy. Just will tell importance that each item in your world, bring to you as possible pacification and a positive attitude.
Many people d…
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isomere avatar
isomere 2014年10月25日

Good post:)

Sharpshooter avatar
Sharpshooter 2014年10月26日

Верно. Но трейдер трейдеру рознь)

ANABEVZ avatar
ANABEVZ 2014年10月26日

Каким бы ни был трейдер и что он бы не ставил на первое место, важно одно - чтобы внешние и внутренние психологические факторы, влияющие на работу оказывали минимальное воздействие, а в идеале вообще его не оказывали.
