Блог AdamFx42


Looking to continue trading when Markets open

When markets open tonight I will be opening my positions again

My positions were closed on Friday evening due to leverage requirements
I was long GbpUsd frpm lows, and had opened AudUsd and NzdUsd longs,
as they seem to have stalled around retracement levels for now
I expect all three pairs to move higher, so I will be opening these longs again
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Closed two positions and held one

I closed two of my three positions yesterday
As we were heading into the weekend, and weekend leverage
I had to close at least one of my positions
I was short GbpUsd, EurAud and EurNzd
I decided to keep my EurNzd short open through the weekend
Nzd is quite low at the moment, and may go up again
while Eur is at resistance levels and should go down again
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EURUsd up at market close yesterday

I was long EurUsd yesterday from around 1.0550
Unfortunately for me I forgot to check at weekend close
I was stopped out of my positions EurUsd long and EurChf long
just before they went up sharply before market close - a bit unlucky there
On the up side I was right about the monthly support level around 1.05
I will be returning to long Eur positions next week
Have a great weekend all
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