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Filtrés par étiquette:  Interest Rate

Interest rate (GBP)

The possibility of raising the British interest rate in the first half of 2018 and specifically in May meeting up to 60%
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Fed Interest Rate Decision

Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) members vote on where to set the rate. Traders watch interest rate changes closely as short term interest rates are the primary factor in currency valuation.
A higher than expected rate is positive/bullish for the USD, while a lower than expected rate is negative/bearish for the USD.
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Suffering some initial damage shorting NZD

I have been trying to build up short positions Nzd since yesterday
I was right about GbpNzd being a dangerous position to go long on,
my SL was hit on this pair after GbpUsd broke below 1.30, and Nzd is not weakening as expected
I thought that i was selling Nzd at appropriate levels - below resistance,
but Nzd pairs I was selling showed a lot of strength yesterday,
and my account was being dragged down quite dramatically
At one point - last night - I was fed up, and willing to throw in the towel…
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FXRabbit avatar

I am not trying to scare you but I just wish you to be cautious here. For example, the AUDUSD only had a momentarily slippage when they had their interest rate cut. Horribly, the pair has only gone upwards since then making a new 3 months high today. So what if the same occurs with the NZDUSD or any other pair based on the news of interest rate cut or hike. Trading with the anticipation of fundamental news can be very profitable but can also lead to disaster. I am a prime example of how miserable days I have had in the past with making these same kind of trading mistakes and lost tons of $$$.

AdamFx42 avatar

I know

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The bank of England reduces an interest rate.

On Thursday, the Bank of England has lowered an interest rate from 0,5% to 0,25%. I have expanded the program of stimulation of APF to 435 billion (with 375), and also I have added the program for purchase of corporate bonds for 10 billion pounds. But there is more to come: the inflation quarterly statement is submitted, Mark Carney has held a press conference. We argue on events consequences.
GBPUSD has fallen to 200 points within half an hour.

Decrease in a rate of Bank of Engla…
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Looking for a good start to this month

I am looking to start off well in the August competition
The trade that I have picked out is selling Aud
I expect a rate cut from the RBA, which might come as a bit of a surprise
The economic data support a cut, but not all banks agree with that
Commentary from Australia support a rate cut tomorrow though
So, I am long EurAud, and short AudChf, and AudJpy
gl all
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Мнение UOB по процентной ставке ЕЦБ

"Мы по-прежнему считаем, что завтра ЕЦБ сократит ставки по депозитам на 10 б.п., до -0.4%. Такой шаг все чаще выглядит как единственное существенное изменение политики, которое следует ожидать. Таким образом, если завтра ставка все таки будет снижена, мы считаем, что рынок уже полностью учел такое изменение в ценах. Теперь мы также прогнозируем введение, или по крайней мере, объявление о введении в будущем многоуровневой системы ставок для оплаты избыточных резервов, имеющихся в центральном банк…
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: RSI, Volatility, Volume, HMM

Key price levels : 74.807 79.9983 83.029

Weekly Charts pattern : resistance and support lines, W1 Chart.

Weekly Vision

The pair is moving in a bullish dynamics (Nippon Interest Rate) with a resistance line at 83.029. The chart analysis integrated with the RSI and the volume Analysis support the trend. The Hidden Markov Models Analysis and the RSI are coherent with a slightly bullish regime.

Daily Vision

The D1 scale…
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Durden avatar
Durden 31 jan

HMM analysis in chart H4 shows a bullish regime. The chart analysis integrated with the RSI and the volatility studies are coherent with a  buying  market side forecast. The pair NZD/JPY can have a  buying domination  at the Asian session opening.

Durden avatar
Durden 5 fév

New zeland economy can have a bearish dynamics in consideration of the Oil forecast.  So NZD/JPY could show a bearish dynamics.

Durden avatar
Durden 23 fév

The chart analysis, the RSI and the volatility studies are coherent with a  sellers market side forecast. 
HMM analysis in chart H4 shows a  bearish regime.  The chart analysis and the Standard dev analysis are coherent with a NZD/JPY bearish market.

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JPY performance

Today's BoJ announcement deviated from most analysts expectations. BoJ kept the same amount of assets purchases but slashed the interest rate to negative. Will JPY follow the same depreciation route as it did already twice after quantitative easing introductions? It might definitely fall from overbought territories. However, the current gloomy mood in the markets calls for JPY as a safe haven currency. Similar situation persists in the market with Euro. It's a nice question to the participants o…
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massimoscalas avatar

By Iggy! do your best! I wish you a great day!

Ayman6 avatar
Ayman6 30 jan

congrats iggy_ua you played calm and also risked with JPY rate news and you deserve the first place . thanks for the Fierce competition we had in the last couple of days .

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Повышению ставки - есть!!!

Как и ожидалось, ФРС решили не откладывать дело в долгий ящик и, О ЧУДО - все-таки повысили процентную ставку!!! Как же при этом повел себя рынок! Он это событие попросту проигнорировал!!! В прямом смысле слова!!! Те 50 пунктов движения пары в первые минуты релиза не умещаются ни в какие рамки!!! Он повел себя крайне неестественно - не стал не то что продавать на фактах, так он еще и покупать на фактах не стал Судя по всему пара евро-доллар решила отработать мой сценарий - для начала отработат…
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williamb avatar
williamb 17 déc

molto interessante

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Повышению ставки - быть!!!

Так как очередную мою статью не приняли вкратце изложу основную мысль в блоге. А мысль эта звучит следующим образом - лучше поздно. чем никогда! Предполагаемый сценарий движения пары евродоллар следующий:
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