

Green House Movement

I found very interesting web page,
Spanish green house movement!

The plant flowers and other plants on their walls, rooftops. At the same moment it decoration - looks very interesting and beautiful.
And other hand they can grow sometnig on their roof or walls
Good solution! Im glad that weather give such possibility!
Have you ever seen something like this?
You can check their web page
I wish one day I will have Willa in Spain and gr…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Psychology of Plagiat

How often we can see Plagiat or copy-writing?
I can notice it more and more last times.
I know there is a special "school of copy-writing in internet"
But I don't like to see someone Plagiating Art ideas.
And some may faced it by themselves too.
Sometimes we can see it in a films, books, after some Best Sellers, there become more copy-paste ideas in many other interpretations,but still.
Is it good? Than having original?

So what is Plagiat?
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 2014年10月27日

As long as you borrow ideas and enhance them or have your own take on things . It's all been done before ..That's the hard part :) .

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年10月28日

oops, I think it will be hard to catch all plagiarists

JulianaJ avatar
JulianaJ 2014年10月31日

Плагиат  в основном от того, что нет своей фантазии :))

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 2014年10月31日

i prefer originality
