fr33m4n's Blog


Final Day : Dukascopy Marathon

It is the end of the Dukascopy marathon contest for me, but it is not the end of the lifestyle changes I have been practicing. It has been a very enlightening experience and a big challenge to myself. I have learnt to appreciate the benefits of healthy living and sticking to a work-out routine.
I actually feel very proud of myself, yeah I did!
I will be going to bed with a big smile. 21 days of strict adherence to some very serious life style changes.
Today’s achievements:
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Day 18: Dukascopy Marathon

The Dukascopy marathon is rounding up for me, I have four more days to meet my 21 days obligations. Time went by so quickly, I thought it would feel much longer. The fact that I could adhere to a cross-fit routine, to do a 10,000 steps achievement daily, the 75 sit-ups, diet-change and other lifestyle changes has been a big revelation for me. It goes to show that we can achieve whatever we set our minds to, given the right motivation and incentive. In this case, cash rewards can be very helpful.…
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Day 15 : Dukascopy Marathon

My obligations for the contest have started running on auto; my schedule is gradually becoming routine. I am up at about 5am, and start running somewhere around 6am. After the run, I do my cross-fit routine and set of sit-ups. All these usually go smoothly, except for those mornings when my body just refuses to get out of bed.
At those times, it is sheer will and determination that gets me through.
Breakfast is now either toast bread and tea, or some fresh orange juice, several cups of it. I get…
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Day 13: Dukascopy Marathon

Day 14 in the Dukascopy marathon contest.
The first set of winners just got announced, 12 participants who held on till the end and completed all tasks and obligations. I plan on doing the same and crossing the finish line. My accomplishments for today were:
  • 10,000 steps in an early morning run
  • 3 sets of 25 sit-ups
  • My Cross-fit routine consisting of crunches, hand-stands and press-ups
  • I also stayed off all alcoholic beverages or drinks.
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Day 12: Dukascopy Marathon

The day started out pretty well for me. I was really early and was able to do my 10,000 steps in another run.

The run was followed by my cross fit routine and the three sets of 25 sit-ups required. It was a rather hot day, the average temperature was 36 degrees and I found myself taking in a lot of water.
As usual, I watched my pace, I didn't run the whole 10,000 steps. Fast walks when I got tired, and periodic runs until I completed the target distance.
Breakfast was t…
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Day 11: Dukascopy Marathon

Here is today's report, another great day on the marathon.

Today's meals:
After my run this morning, and all the work-out and sit-ups, I was up for a very big breakfast.
  • Breakfast = boiled yam and egg sauce
  • Lunch = Spaghetti
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Day 8: Dukascopy Marathon


On the sports scene, my achievements:
  • My cross fit routine consisting of crunches, press-ups, hand-stands.
  • Three sets of 25 sit-ups, which are completely bringing the 6-pack back.

  • The 10,000 steps via a run and fast walk


Today's meals:
  • Breakfast = toast bread and some tea
  • Lunch = White rice and plantain
  • Dinner = some apples and oranges

No fast food visits and no alcohol. Then there is the 4 liters of water I drank today. For today's blog, I have decided to do a small piece on th…
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Day 7: Dukascopy Marathon

No pain, no gain! This is a common saying among trainers and work-out instructors. The general idea is to endure and put in effort for what one truly wants. This saying is true because it takes a lot of effort to achieve the type of physique mos of us want. Staying fit requires exercise, it may not be so much exercise but the quality and consistency is what matters. This is what I remember everyday I take a run to meet the 10,000 steps required.
The first few days are usually very hard, th…
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Day 6: Dukascopy Marathon


I had to get up really early today, after a long holiday it was time to get back to work. I did my morning run, a little over 8KM, which was more than enough to meet the 10,000 steps.
Then I did my cross-fit routine and the set of sit-ups. The last part had me panting heavily.
The sit-ups also went well, I got my kid brother as cameraman; and he caught it on film.

For breakfast, I went with a bowl of cereal and two glasses of Freshly-squeezed orange juice. I enjoyed the juice a lot,…
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Day 4: Dukascopy Marthon

Posting today was hard. It has been a very hectic day.It is Easter Sunday, so I had a lot of family and friends to visit. Don't get me wrong, it was fun, but I was exhausted by the time I got back home. And that is something else that has been happening for the past few days, I have been getting 6 - 8 hours of sleep. A doctor friend told me it is due to all the physical activity I have been engaging in.
Today's 3 sets of 25 sit-ups
The 10,000 steps at the start of everyday, during which I …
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cool report, keep going!

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