annatimone's Blog


5 Great Ways to Drink Yourself Skinny

Drinking empty calories is never the way to lose weight, but I found few low-cal drinks that are sure to help you shed some pounds if you're eager to keep drinking, as well as a few other drinks that will help curb those cravings and fill you up to avoid snacking and overeating.
[b][b]1. McWilliams Harmony Wine[/b][/b]If you're a wine drinker on a diet, you'll have to get on board with McWilliams Harmony Wine. McWilliams Wines has joined forces with Weight Watchers to launch a lower-alcohol range of wines…
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7 Weird Reasons You Are Tired All the Time

Some nights you stay up very late and need to get up early, so naturally you feel tired. But sometimes, the root of your fatigue isn't so obvious, and everything from a hidden health issue to your gym habits could be to blame.Here are 7 reasons you could be dragging--and how to regain more energy than you ever remember having.

1. You're dehydrated

Healthy men and women who failed to replace a mere 1.5% of their water weight experienced mood swings and low energy levels. The study authors…
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7 Unexpected Ways to Improve Your Life!

As someone who has recently starting seeing a massage therapist more often than her own family, I can personally attest to the dangers of being a professional sitter. Yes, I already knew I needed to stand up more, but is sadly harder to put into practice than it should be-but what other habits can you put into place for a longer, healthier life? So, here it is: 7 Unexpected Ways to Improve Your Life!

1. Lower your bedroom temperature
: Even if it's not the most comfortable thing to do…
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6 Ways to Improve Your Memory

Young or old, we will all need this as some point! Altering just a few of your daily habits can go a long way, protecting your noggin in the process. Even having just one more cup of coffee or one more hour of sleep can keep your mind sharp for years to come.

1. Eat Berries

One study found that eating two or more ½-cup servings a week delayed the onset of Alzheimer's by 2½ years.

2. Drink Caffeinated Coffee

Experts think it has a substance that protects the brain, so aim for 2 to 3 cups a
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mag avatar
mag 16 Oct.

Only in a jet lag continued but I like my lifestyle. my angry doctor. :((((

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Get richer, die younger!

We all live longer when times are good, right?
Not so, according to a new study which says that in developed countries, the elderly have a higher mortality rate when the economy goes into higher gear.
Studies show that in the long term, economic prosperity is credited with lower mortality rates across all age groups -- largely due to a drop in old-age mortality.
But the picture changes when you look at short-term economic fluctuations, according to the study which appears in the Journal of Epide…
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jezz avatar
jezz 9 Oct.

Yes, in years of prosperity one is more likely to die by being hit by a car, rather than from a stroke. Hmmmm, statistic is like a bikini, shows everything and hides everything :)

mag avatar
mag 9 Oct.

The stress is called silent death, it is associated with coronary artery disease than with an evil habit d flife (fast food, tobacco, alcholol and lack of exercise) causes a high mortality.
This is called "quality of life" and in industrialized countries is increasingly worse.

sonjatrader avatar

It is alarming how many people I know die young, maybe for lack of time to take care or pollution, for bad feeding,or not physical exercise, but mostly I think it is the rhythm of life... so fast

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Let's Eat Healthy This Weekend!

Let's set a goal to eat healthy this weekend. Entertaining FOODS sometimes can help you eat your veggies, especially when they are very visual stimulated, make sure they veggies are 100% organic! Don't forget to look at both photos. Very creative. Have a good weekend!
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s_amira avatar
s_amira 15 Sep.

Cool ideas for dishes! ))

Eugenia avatar
Eugenia 16 Sep.

i believe children are just delighted with such meals)))

Brasileiro avatar
Brasileiro 16 Sep.

very nice

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The Power of Power Nap!

We all know that sleep is important. Even a power nap can make a tremendous difference in your day. But how long is too long? Or how long is too short? Take a look:
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Nadin5794 avatar

Идеально время сна по рекомендации йогов период с 21:00 до 4-6:00

alifari avatar
alifari 5 Sep.

Thanks for sharing

Haynes6EU avatar

Liked! usedul info :)

mag avatar
mag 7 Sep.

Money never sleeps... There are many nights that I don't sleep when I leave open movements and there are nights that the preoccupation with the closed movement will be as changing the currency... live in a continuous Jet Lag. Also I say that I like my life!

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