Currency Pair:Eur/Jpy
Indicators: technical patterns and Sma50(red)+ Sma200 (blue)
Current price: 133.80
Trend:downtrend (daily)
Possible trading range:130-138
Signals:The price is still under selling pressure put by a head and shoulders pattern which has been broken to the downside at around 134.64. Another two bearish patterns also put some downward pressure on this pair: dead cross (daily) and a rising wedge (weekly)
Fundamentals:The prospect that the FED is going to rise the interest rates i…
Indicators: technical patterns and Sma50(red)+ Sma200 (blue)
Current price: 133.80
Trend:downtrend (daily)
Possible trading range:130-138
Signals:The price is still under selling pressure put by a head and shoulders pattern which has been broken to the downside at around 134.64. Another two bearish patterns also put some downward pressure on this pair: dead cross (daily) and a rising wedge (weekly)
Fundamentals:The prospect that the FED is going to rise the interest rates i…