peachynicnic's Blog


Halloween night

Hey, morning everyone!!
Welcome to Monday morning!
How was your weekends?
Did you celebrate Halloween last Friday?
For me, it is definitely a yes!
Wah.. we always celebrate Halloween at a place called Lan Kwai Fong
It is a street with many clubs and bars
Whenever it is Halloween, Christmas or New Year count down
There would always be thousands people crazily partying
It is also one of the famous tourist attractions in Hong Kong
Let’s see how people with their creepy, quirky and scary m…
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bharatholsa avatar

nice - captain america superman spiderman kick-ass all in one picture )) wow )) and a beautiful ghost nicole ))

peachynicnic avatar

bharatholsa It was amazing lol

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Wohoo .. Trick or treat ?!

Yeah .. Tomorrow is Halloween !!
I am not sure whether the traders would celebrate Halloween or hot
But for crazy Nicole with an adventurous spirit
I would definitely rock the Halloween party hard!
Going to haunted house is one of my favorite Halloween activities
I enjoy being scared wahahaha
Also, knocking the door from house to house in order to ask for treats is my strength
Not to forget the food in Halloween theme !!
Otherwise how could it be called as a party without scary food?
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peachynicnic avatar

JvdS87908 I have tried it before, we also eat egg strings in Hong Kong

JvdS87908 avatar

that is one of my favorite desserts ......  Love ....

peachynicnic avatar

JvdS87908 You treat it as desserts? It is not sweet at all

JvdS87908 avatar

try to sprinkle some icing sugar on it .........

peachynicnic avatar

JvdS87908 I am kinda surprised you even sprinkle sugar on it .. I normally eat it with salty beef or shrimp ... are we talking about the same thing?!

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