JuliaBF's Blog


Original VS Copy

Good morning Community!
I would like to know your attitude to copies? You know why? Because today production of copies are become more and more popular and people buy it! China and Turkey are producing luxury copies of a very high quality which are almost impossible to differentiate from originals. And, by the way, it quite expensive as well but, of course, not as much as real Dior or Chanel. Moreover, decade ago it was not possible to make a replica of Luis Vuitton and some more brands but nowa
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Apr.

anna_t Ань, это все говорит о взглядах на жизнь. Можно, например, водить вольво и чувствовать себя круто, а можно водить бентли. Точно так же и с сумкой. Можно довольствоваться клевым фэйком за 300 баксов, а можно чувствовать себя БОГИНЕЙ с крокодиловой биркин за 50000. .

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Apr.

Like!!!!!!!!!! maximemc8

maximemc8 avatar

JuliaBF !! BAGS FOREVER ahahahhaa

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr.

Oh yeah maximemc8

maximemc8 avatar


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When In Doubt Wear Red

Hey Community!
What do you think about red lipstick?
What kind of woman can afford herself to wear it?
I think, first of all, this woman is self confident! You don't need to be Lady Vamp to wear it but you have to be brave with a big charisma for accepting millions of eyes on you! There is no brighter look than beautiful woman with red lips. .
Do you need special occasion for that?
No! When you feel like to wear red lips today or tonight, go ahead! Yes, it is appropriate for day time as well ju
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 13 Mar.

i love it.... no rules!!! but no kisses in public.... otherwise couple gonna become clown from Circus....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar.

it is true maxime Lol

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 19 Mar.

but i love it....... hummmm

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 23 Mar.

we have the same taste maximemc8

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 25 Mar.

i am sure about it, i would like to see you with red lips in real.....

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Plus Size Models

Hey Community!
You know what I have recently noticed? Plus Size Models are becoming more and more popular day by day. Of course I have heard before that men start to prefer normal girls than skinny but everything is changing so quickly that even fashion designers and magazines choose normal or even plus size girls. Moreover if you have a look to the latest fashion shows you will notice that for lingerie and swim suits designers are choosing girls with beautiful bodies and amazing forms. By the w
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 11 Mar.

Вика, девушки на фото далеко не худые. И дело не в лишних кг а в том что предпочтение стали отдавать именно таким . . Это сейчас "ничего себе" тренд

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 11 Mar.

Milian Ну знаешь, если так рассуждать, то можно и 100 кг весить и рассказывать что главное быть естественной))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 13 Mar.

it is not too bad i would say.... no more anorexic.....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar.

yes maximemc8. It is all about balance. Beauty and Skinniness are different things)

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 13 Mar.


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What Makes Woman Looks Feminine?

Good Evening Community!
Hope your Monday was good and productive today))
Tonight I want to talk a bit about the prettiest parts of humanity -us -women!))))) Nowadays it is very important for woman to be and to look feminine. This is my unshakable opinion! In our crazy world lots of women try to prove to men that they are better, smarter and stronger. What for? I think that only those type of women knows the answer.
Any real man wants to see a real woman next to him. Who is real woman? She is ele
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar.

I see))))) I'm sure from East European countries))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 19 Mar.

of course !! what else??? (im talking like georges in nespresso ads now.....)

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 Mar.


speculo_ergo_sum avatar

cooking dinner:))))))))))))))))))))))))

maximemc8 avatar

i don't like wehn my GF cook for me ... she must take care of me while im cooking ... thats the best solution !! ahahaha

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Extensions VS Natural Beauty

Hey Community!
Today's blog I would like to devote to beauty topic )))
Since few latest decades it became popular among girls to make hair and eye lashes extensions. I would like to hear your opinion about that!
I can say from my own experience that when we are talking about high quality hair extensions made by really good specialist it looks like natural and no one can see difference between the texture of your own hair and extensions unless he or she put the hand inside your hair. I did it few…
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maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 10 Mar.

natural please natural!!!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 10 Mar.

LOL maximemc8. I see you had experience))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 13 Mar.

ahahah when its staying in your hands during bed workout or when its visible .... or when you feel it while you touch your GF hair.... arffff horrible....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar.

LOL sounds disgusting!!!!!! Ladies, did everyone hear?

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 19 Mar.

ahahahah it is..... please never wear that .... only for fun maybe .....

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Shoes Paradise

Hey Community!
Today I would like to know your opinion about women shoes ))
Ladies, what kind of shoes do you usually wear? Flats? High heels? Wedges? Sneakers? Which is your best style?
Guys, what kind shoes do you like to see girls wear? Which style do you consider as the most elegant and sexy?
As for me I love high heels! I can't go out with flat shoes. . It is almost never happened to me! Only Sundays and if high heels are not appropriate. However, I have flats in my wardrobe, even uggs, des
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 25 Feb.

ААааааааа клаааассс)))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 25 Feb.

i love louboutins shoes for my private taste and high heels is making the shape of your women body very special, sexy and amazing, heels can be used for many other situation than going out.... i will let your imagination work on it....
PS, if you need massage for your little feets, i am available 24/7 ahahahah :p

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 25 Feb.

ahahah! I just love your sense of humor maximemc8)))))

maximemc8 avatar
maximemc8 27 Feb.

ahahaha :) french humour is not too bad .....

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