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Mi girl. I love you pussy) my life!!) kiss

. I have such a language, I will say and stick the name..And I memorize better places not by addresses, but by original names associated with some associations. .For example, the shop "On the swamp" ???? or "stick". Or here I lived on the "mountain" in Kronstadt. Because it seems to be the highest place in the city..So there is no mountain and no.So, by the way, often happened in life. The object has not existed for a long time, but the name remains. "Shesterochka", for example. About the store,…
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Өнөөдөр GBPUSD хослолын ханш 1.2890 цэгээс доор арилжаалагдаж байган бөгөөд цаашид ханш унах магадлалтай байна.Иймд бид ханш 1.2720 цэгт хүрэх, цаашид 1.2550 цэг хүртэл унах боломжтойг сануулах нь зүйтэй.Харин ханш өсч 1.2890 цэгээс дээш гарсан тохиолдолд өсөлтийн трэнд сэргэж, Фунтын үнэ цаашид 1.3100 цэгт хүрэх боломжтой болно.Өнөөдрийн арилжааны доод цэг 1.2720, дээд цэг 1.2900 байх магадлалтай.…
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14 Jan

Hello traders,
Today there was few news being waited, but there was not enough deviation to move market. There are still few to go though.
What I really looking for is GBPJPY in 15min which is nicely move up and come back slowly as back and forth. and now ready to move next move up. Have a look at the chart!.
in the market, there are some times which you do not know, then just leave it as it is and wait for your what is looking for as a patten or a market behavior.
Watching my account in contest…
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