

Profit swings with GbpNzd and GbpAud shorts

I am experiencing some swings and volatitlity in my Gbp shorts
GbpNzd and GbpAud are notoriously prone to violent and big swings
I was up to 250+K yesterday and down to 180+K today
I am letting the positions ride because there has not yet been a big move in Gbp
I am looking for a GbpUsd fall from highs, my pairs should follow rapidely
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Adding to my short position GbpNzd today

I have added a short Gbp position today
I have been short GbpNzd for a few days now
Today I have added a short GbpAud after my GbpNzd position had a 100+ pip profit
My GbpNzd short seems to be doing fine, now at 150+ pips in the green
My GbpAud short is starting off in the right direction, too
翻译为 英语 显示原始

Short GbpNzd but no luck yet

I am counting on some Gbp weakness to pop up this month
I am looking to go short Gbp from these recent highs
just because GbpUsd seems a bit strong at the moment
I have shorted GbpNzd and will be looking to add further on
I am down a bit at the moment but I think I should be alright again soon
翻译为 英语 显示原始