AdamFx42's Blog


Profit swings with GbpNzd and GbpAud shorts

I am experiencing some swings and volatitlity in my Gbp shorts
GbpNzd and GbpAud are notoriously prone to violent and big swings
I was up to 250+K yesterday and down to 180+K today
I am letting the positions ride because there has not yet been a big move in Gbp
I am looking for a GbpUsd fall from highs, my pairs should follow rapidely
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Adding to my short position GbpNzd today

I have added a short Gbp position today
I have been short GbpNzd for a few days now
Today I have added a short GbpAud after my GbpNzd position had a 100+ pip profit
My GbpNzd short seems to be doing fine, now at 150+ pips in the green
My GbpAud short is starting off in the right direction, too
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Another challenge at the start of the month

I find myself confronted with a challenge this trading month
I am short Gbp - and my GbpUsd is alright for now, up a few pips
My GbpAud short went sour last night after the RBA decision interest
RBA was not upbeat as expected, but instead rather negative and without foreward guidance
This lead to a plummet in Aud pairs and stuck me with a losing trade
I went short GbpAud again after retracement but Aud is still weak
and I seem to be losing more again now
I shall stick with it a little while long…
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Short GBP - but not GbpAud

I have been short Gbp since yesterday
I decided to close my GbpNzd short yesterday at breakeven
and open a GbpAud short instead, just ahead of the RBA interest rate decision
This has turned out to be a mistake
AudUsd took a dive after the RBA and - off course - GbpAud went up
I am still short GbpUsd, and have just opened a smaller short GbpAud after ty\he highs
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AUD retraces from lows, and lands me some profit

After profiting from shorting Aud, I have now made money buying it
Two days ago I was selling Aud right before the interest rate decision
I made 100K buying GbpAud and EurAud then
I waited a day for the downside to play out
and then I started to buy AudUsd around 0.75, and sell GbpAud around 1.94
and EurAud around 1.54
When Aud still weakened more, I also went long AudChf, and had a buy stop waiting in AudJpy
AudUsd recovered quite a lot last night and landed me another 100K
I am in the top 10, …
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Long UsdJpy and the rest

I have been going long UsdJpy and crosses since last night
UsdJpy dropped below 113 yesterday night and I decided to go long
I believe Japan bank will intervene if the pair drops too low
so it offers a good (safe) opportunity for longs after drops
I decided to go long GbpJpy and EurJpy too as they seem to be following
and both Eur and Gbp still look strong
Also, I bought EurAud and GbpAud from lows and AudUsd was retracing
This made me a few pips
I am still waiting for my short Jpy positions to pay off
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