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На кого ты похож?

Вышло новое приложение #Gradient. Уже много людей успели его опробовать.
Иногда, когда нам хочется расслабится и просто покладать в телефоне, попробуйте скачать это приложение и загрузить туда своё фото. Вы сможете увидеть переход от своего фото до фото знаменитости. Это может повеселить вас и улучшить настроение.
Не всегда выходит похоже, но переход плавный и между вами и селебрити будут люди очень интересной внешности, как мне показалось))
Не могу сказать, что это полезная вещь на вашем теле…
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cerrah2014 avatar

Angelına Jolıe , Monıca Bellucı and Kare Moss are themselves sımılar to you ı thınk

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Novice traders often panic when they have few losers in a row. On the contrary experience traders understand that losing is an intrinsic element in the game of trading. This attitude is linked to confidence because experience traders are confident that they will win over the long run, individual trades no longer seem horrible; they simply appear inevitable.
There is no more certain recipe for losing than having a fear of losing. If you cant stand taking losses, you will either end up taking lar…
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Being a retail trader, we have to understand that losing is an intrinsic element in the game of trading. This attitude is linked to confidence. Because exceptional traders are confident that they will win over the long run, individual trades no longer seem horrible; they simply appear inevitable.
There is no more certain recipe for losing than having a fear of losing. If you cant stand taking losses, you will either end up taking large losses or missing great trading opportunities – either flaw…
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Some important points to think about:
At the end of the day, it's important to know the game that you're playing; accept the games that you're not playing; and find peace with who you are, what you can do, and what you can't do. Only some market movement is opportunity: that sphere of movement that overlaps where we truly possess an edge. BMW doesn't fret over buyers who choose to drive a Chevy; that's not the game they're playing. The people who run Silversea cruises don't bang their heads agai…
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Losing is Part of the Game

One of the biggest hurdle a novice retail trader come across is he/she consider every losing trade as a failure instead of learning from it and realizing that losing is part of the game.
Whereas an experienced and exceptional retail trader realize that losing is an intrinsic element in the game of trading. This attitude is linked to confidence. Because experienced traders are confident that they will win over the long run, individual trades no longer seem horrible; they simply appear inevitable.…
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verindur avatar
verindur 21 Fev

Very accurate. ))))))))))))))

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Trading - Game of Expectancy

I think of trading as a game of expectancy. To win with any kind of consistency, we must have a system of entry and exit that provides a demonstrable edge that is capable of overcoming costs. Then, provided positions are sized modestly enough to preserve capital during a sequence of losses, and we maintain perfect discipline in trading our method, we are mathematically bound to profit. However, as with any game, just because the probabilities are in our favor, perhaps even handsomely so, does no…
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In last few months forex market volatility have been relatively low compare to last year. While we all love high volatility markets, but the fact is that these low volatility gives you a time to do other things. Improve your game both mental and technical. As such I did lot of testing last month on different markets, some back testing, some risk management work etc. and picked up lots of nuggets which I think will improve my game in future. As a trader we have to constantly improve our trading…
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Omela avatar
Omela 18 Maio

interesting article!)

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Raise your Game

Stands true for trading and life in general. raise your game, study, plan and play. No "holy grail" out there
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Trading Quotes - The Game of Speculation (#242)

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