

My GBP shorts are starting to pick up little

My short positions GbpNzd, and GbpAud are both in the green
I have closed my small GbpUsd, and GbpCad positions with a slight loss
I am now looking to go long UsdJpy again, because it is back up around 107
after only a slight dip - this indicates some strength to me
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Shorting GBP with all I got, but still no luck

After staying short Gbp all night I hardly made any money
I am up a mere 10K today after being short Gbp since yesterday late afternoon
I decided to short GbpUsd below resistance around 1.2750
and added GbpNzd, GbpAud, GbpChf and GbpCad shorts, too
GbpUsd made a good run at resistance, though, overnight
and it hit my SL, only to fail right after that .. :-(
Luckily, my other positions remained and started to make good money this morning
GbpAud and GbpNzd making pips, but GbpChf and GbpCad laggin…
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示

Ugly start to the December contest

I had a bad start to the contest period today
I went for GbpNzd, and GbpAud shorts today
I lost a lot as GbpUsd kept going up - I managed to get out before being stopped out this afternoon
I was only just in time, and was left with around 60K
I re-entered short GbpNzd a bit higher, and took back a few pips a bit later on,
as Gbp failed above 1.26 and went down (finally)
I am short GbpJpy now - as I believe that Gbp is weaker now, after the drop
I also believe there is a chance UsdJpy is stuck be…
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