AdamFx42's Blog


GBP a bit weaker now, fails below 1.41

My GbpNzd short position has turned around just now
GbpUsd is a bit weaker at the moment after failing to break above 1.41
This is helping my GbpNzd short position from in the red to green
I am up a few pips now, and will be waiting to add to my short Gbp ositions
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Happy NewYear for all!

Happy NewYear to all traders first!
Lots of luck to everyone in 2018 - should be an interesting year
Lots of movement in the markets at the end of 2017, and some exciting prospects ahead
Brexit is still in the picture - waiting to come to a close, how will it influence Gbp
Nzd and Aud are stronger, good economic figures, buyers moving towards these commodity currencies
Market is open now - and i am going to take a look
Gl, all
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Maybe some more GBP weakness tomorrow

I am looking for opportunities for coming week
I like a GbpNzd short for various reasons:
Fundamentally Nzd is strong at the moment, forming a new government and doing alright
economically and internally
Great Britain is under pressure again concerning the brexit,
time is ticking for a deal
Technically Nzd has put in a daily low above 0.7,
and GbpUsd seems unable to break clean above 1.33
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A fresh start to the new month of trading

I am excited to start trading again this month
A lot of opportunities in the markets this month:
EurUsd has worked itself up to above 1.14 giving traders to short it for a imminent pullback
The same can be said for GbpUsd - a double top is forming just above 1.30 right now
Given the Nzd and Aud strength in the market right now,
I may look to short GbpNzd, and GbpAud right away at the start of the contest
gl all
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Setting up GBP shorts

I am setting up Sell Stops in Gbp crosses today
If GbpUsd gets back up to near 1.28 - then I am selling it
Fundamentally, Gbp is weak now,
and technically this pair is below major support area at 127.80 area
It has also broken below daily trendline, and consolidation
The same goes for GbpAud, GbpNzd and GbpChf
If they move back up - I am selling them
I also have a long buy stop waiting in EurGbp for the same reasons
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What to look for next on the market

After the UK elections and ECB bringing Eur down - what is next?
Gbp would seem like an easy trade at the moment
With UK brexit uncertainty now higher and opposition growing the pound will be vulnerable
I will be looking to sell any bounce in any Gbp cross
Maybe a safer bet will be trading the Eur, though
EurUsd seems to have formed support above 1.1150 level after ECB
Buying any dips towards this level seems like a good bet to me
UsdJpy is not doing what I expected it - I thought it would fail …
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Very tough trading around the GBP today

While I am convinced of a Tory victory in Great Britain today, trading it is hard
I went long Gbp all crosses, and short EurGbp today
I am only losing money, though
Gbp was down - I expected some glitches ahead of the election
but it is having a very tough time recovering
It is like traders will not position themselves towards a May victory
Like they are saying: ' the Gbp is going to drop'
What is this?
I expect a victory for May, as predicted - traders seem awfully carefull out there
Gbp should…
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Pulled out of GBP shorts too soon today

I closed my Gbp shorts too early today
I was short GbpNzd, GbpAud and GbpUsd
I had left the positions in for a day and was struggling
GbpUsd didn't go down and the Gbp crosses were stuck below resistance
I gave up on my positions this morning and closed them with a slight loss
Unfortunately, I was too soon
I was afraid GbpUsd would break up higher again, but it did not
I am buying Gbp lows now
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More GBP weakness to come next week?

It looks like there maybe more Gbp weakness next week
I made a couple of good Gbp short trades this week
I was looking at the Gbp charts yesterday evening
Technically, there are plenty of reasons to sell Gbp
GbpUsd seems stuck below 1.29 - and analysis points to immediate downside
The same can be said for GbpNzd and GbpAud
The fall in these pairs is likely to continue after failiure to recover last evening
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Selling GBP and EUR

I have started selling Eur and Gbp today
Both pairs are struggling to regain highs and seem weak
I am selling EurNzd and EurAud, I am also short GbpUsd below 1.29
If just one of these trades holds I should be able to get my account towards 200K
I have looked hard for a good trade, and these seem nice
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