AdamFx42's Blog


EURUsd opens higher Monday

The Euro seems a bit stronger at market open this week
EurUsd is up at market open after the Italian elections today predict a hung parliament
This is what was expected, and the Euro is up on the news
because the alternative would have been a government willing to oppose the Eur coin
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Shorting the Euro for now

I am short EurUsd since yesterday
I went short before market close because of something that I read
in a forex community post
Traders are positioned long Euro while there are important decisions next week
concerning the future of the Euro in Europe
There is a referendum in Italy, and important talks in Germany
If all goes well, not much happens - but if something goes wrong,
like Italy kicking out the Euro currency and bringing back in the Lira
then all hell will break loose - looks like an oppo…
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Opening long USD positions again today

I have opened a few new positions long Usd today
The bounce above 1.10 on Friday was very interesting to me
Technically, 1.10 holding is good news for UsdJpy
I sense a recovery coming - maybe some more strong data ahead
Fundamentally that makes the dollar potentially changing direction again
There could be a lot of pips to be made
I am long UsdNok, UsdSek, UsdMxn and UsdJpy
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Short AUD this month

I will be shorting Aud this month
Fundamentals tell me the AudUsd has risen too much too fast
I see possibilities in shorting AudCad, too
It is trapped below the SMA daily 200
I expect AudUsd to return or retrace to 0.97 level
I will trade it and other Aud crosses accordingly
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Short GBP at beginning of this month

I am short Gbp to begin the month of trading
I have opened short positions in GbpNzd and GbpAud today at market open
GbpUsd is nearing 1.30 - where I expect resistance
Fundamentally, brexit is still a problem in UK
and recent move up in Gbp will find little ground for a continued move up soon
Technically, I see retracement starting in Gbp crosses
and I will be waiting for more weakness in Gbp
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USD my focus this coming month

In this month's contest I will focus on USD
UsdJpy has held its ground above 100,
and as the BOJ threathens to intervene below 100, traders are long for now
Technical analysis still points down on this pair, though
and a channel down is still intact unless UsdJpy breaks above 102
I will be looking to buy just above 100 and above 102 this month
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Selling GBP at the start of this Contest

I saw a opportunity to go short Gbp yesterday
GbpUsd rallied after some good economic data yesterday - and the pair was already at 1.31+
GbpUsd is now testing 1.33 - and should run into sellers here,
as fundamentally the Gbp remains under pressure after Brexit
I will be shorting Gbp rallies this month
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USD returns with a vengeance

UsdJpy went down after soft data but holds support and turns back up
This indicates to me that bad news is not going to bring Usd down
The news of a 'no interest rate hike soon' did not hurt the pait either
I will be buying Usd the beginning for this reason
Usd has proven to stand strong and not be shaken to new lows - lows seem in place
I see this pair at 1.10 before the months end
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Markets rattled by Belgium bombings

Markets are spooked today by the bombings in Belgium
This caused EurUsd and GbpUsd to go down
GbpUsd sufferd more after some dissapointing data and is below 1.43
This looks like a decent pullback to buy
and I am long GbpCad and GbpAud, with buy limits waiting in GbpNzd and GbpUsd
Gbp is still a strong currency at the moment
and I believe the retracement tergets are met now against dollar weakness last week
we shall see
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Good start to new month in contest

I started off well in this Contest month buying Aud
Last night at the start of the contest Australian data came out - interest rate decision
Because it was widely expected by traders to be left on hold, I thought of a trade
I went long AudUsd for a rally after the interest rate decision - and betted they would hold rates
At the same time I shorted GbpAud and EurAud because of technicals in these pairs pointed to the downside
The strategy paid off and I find myself in the top 10 traders right awa…
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