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EURUSD Short TP 1.1086

short #EURUSD TP 1.1096
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US Dollar Technical Analaysis 2-4-15

#US #Dollar #DX is trying to hold that 93.73 level. but having a ruff time going higher. IMO the top is in
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EURUSD the bottom could be in 2-1-15

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EURUSD no long signal yet 1-28-15

#EURUSD may have a pop but there is no signal yet to go long.....
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US Dollar forecast 1-23-15

my #US #Dollar #DX calculations were wrong, had to reverse my position and go long. My targets to the upside are $95.54 & $96.06 trailing my stop....
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US Dollar Technical Analysis 1-22-15

Short #US #Dollar #DX @ $94.12. if my calculation are correct Dollar should stall right here @ $94.14 very risky FYI!
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US Dollar Forecast 1-20-15

#US #Dollar #DX Money flow is declining while prices drift higher. also squeeze play on 12hr chart. Dollar will explode in one direction, but I will let you decide. This week should be key
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US Dollar forecast 1-19-15

I'm Flat #US #Dollar #DX @ $93.30 If my calculation are correct Dollar will have a pull back this week, or a possible change in trend. not sure which one until the move develops. also flat #EURUSD had a great run $$$$$ on both :-)
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US Dollar Technical Analysis 1-7-15

I'm long #US #Dollar #DX again, we are moving to the next vibration level. 1st target is 93.18ish happy pippin
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EURUSD next week forecast 11-7-14

looking for more downside next week on EURUSD
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