annatimone's Blog


Draghi explicit on rate cuts and easing. Is anyone listening?

Yesterday in New York, Mario Draghi once again voiced the ECB stance that rate cuts were still very much on the table. You can read full story from Bloomberg (h/t Bud Spencer) shows it in a fuller light:
“The Governing Council has unanimously agreed to incorporate an easing bias that explicitly provides for further rate reductions, should the volatility in money market conditions return to the levels observed in early summer,”
Now although he’s attached caveats to cutting rates…
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fdsaRUS avatar
fdsaRUS 11 Out

относительно инфляции.
Банк Международных Расчетов относительно недавно публиковал свой взгляд на Европу - там графики экспоненты роста долга по всем странам до 2020-24, и Германия не исключение, фактически, это и есть ответ по поводу инфляции в долгосрочной перспективе.
в короткий срок: Драги постоянно говорит о новом ЛИТРО - а это при запуске ЛИТРО, неизбежно скажется на инфляционных процессах, и в отличии от ФРС и США не удастся Европе экспортировать свою инфляцию за рубеж, поэтому угроза инфляционного давления и пугает Меркель

Nadin5794 avatar

инфляционные ожидания, количественное смягчение, усиление кризиса Еврозоны, проблема госдолга США-третий виток на моей практике годовой и третий период резонансный по этим вопросам..."ничто так не однообразно, как повторяющаяся история на Wall Street"...

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Cyprus Bans FX Firms From Accepting Non-EU Clients!

These days Cyprus has a tendency of getting the spotlight way more often it should. And Cyprus did it again! Cypriot regulator CySeC enacted a rule, which is effective immediately, that stipulates that brokers which operate under the CySeC license and as a result comply with MiFID rulings allowing them to attract clients from all over Europe, including Britain, will no longer be able to solicit business from any jurisdiction outside of the European Union. Obviously, the new ruling will ha…
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Nadin5794 avatar

the question of restriction of jurisdiction of the offshore is discussed since the beginning of this year

pawansansanwal avatar

Now that's one bad move made by Cyprus

annatimone avatar

Yes. I agree. Cyprus is going from one extreme to another. Government in Cyprus doesn’t know what they are doing.

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