Блог AdamFx42


Waiting to go long Euro

I am waiting to go long Eur at the start of the Januari Contest
I have placed buy stops in EurUsd and EurJpy, and am waiting for previous lows to be challenged
Although EurJpy seems like the safest bet to me,
because even if UsdJpy goes up again the pair will gain - and EurUsd going up will help too ..
I am willing to buy EurUsd at lows, too, though - because of price action when pair goes down
Parity seems protected - and 1.04 area seems to be the first line of defence
I will be buying around 1.0450
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Trying to go long USD next

After closing my overnight Gbp shorts and Aud, and Nzd shorts with a slight profit
I am now looking to go long UsdJpy just above 101 - where it has broken above again
I already closed three positions now with slight profit, buying against the Yen
I bought UsdJpy around 101.15, and usually when Usdjpy goes up - crosses follow the same way
So I bought EurJpy, too - because Eur is strong at the moment
And I bought AudJpy - because it has retraced a lot, and should bounce
I closed these three positi…
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Long UsdJpy and the rest

I have been going long UsdJpy and crosses since last night
UsdJpy dropped below 113 yesterday night and I decided to go long
I believe Japan bank will intervene if the pair drops too low
so it offers a good (safe) opportunity for longs after drops
I decided to go long GbpJpy and EurJpy too as they seem to be following
and both Eur and Gbp still look strong
Also, I bought EurAud and GbpAud from lows and AudUsd was retracing
This made me a few pips
I am still waiting for my short Jpy positions to pay off
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