
按标签筛选:  Emerging Market

USD / TRY for July 2

Chart Scale: Weekly, Monthly
Indicator Used: Bollinger Band, EMA 200, 50, 20, Support and Resistence, ATR 14, Volume
Monthly Chart:
Weekly Chart:
Pair Analysis:
Try is the weakest Emerging Currency right now, It is astonishing trend, Price is way over Ema 200, 50, 20. Candle even broke the Bollinger Band which usually only happen in strong movement. There are still chances this strong move continous at least for another month till it will normalise.
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ZAR / JPY for July 2

Indicator Used: BB, Support / Resistence, EMA 200, ATR 14
Monthly Chart:
Weekly Chart:
Pair Analyis: The Pair is slightly correcting reaching the middle Bollinger Band, the Pair could bounce from here. But I expect the pair to stabilised here and not fluctuating much, until something fundamentally changes.
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World Cup Finale: Emerging Market vs Developing Market team

As you already know the Brasil World Cup 2014 finale will be played between Germany (Developing Market team) vs Argentina (Emerging Market team). In this blog post I just want to take the time and have a look into the economics data and see how the two economies stack up against each other. Last time I've wrote about the World Cup I've applied a carry trade strategy by going long a basket of emerging currency market funded by a basket of developed market currencies and see who would win based o…
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Fed Continues to Taper

As expected Fed decided to continue with the current peace of of quantitative easing reduction at 10B/ meeting. In my yesterday blog post I've been highlighting why Fed is going to taper another 10B you can find my last blog post here: FOMC Statement another 10B Taper?
  • Figure 1. FOMC Economists Taper Expectation.
It seems that the recent emerging market turmoil wasn't reason enough for the FED to stop the tapering and Fed decided to continue with the tapering as expected. However I think if …
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rivan avatar
rivan 30 1月

soft german unemployment figures :D

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 1月

thanks from keeping me informed. Didn't have time to read this week !!

Metal_Mind avatar
Metal_Mind 31 1月

I need a special summary at the end of the week!!
