AdamFx42's Blog


Very tough trading around the GBP today

While I am convinced of a Tory victory in Great Britain today, trading it is hard
I went long Gbp all crosses, and short EurGbp today
I am only losing money, though
Gbp was down - I expected some glitches ahead of the election
but it is having a very tough time recovering
It is like traders will not position themselves towards a May victory
Like they are saying: ' the Gbp is going to drop'
What is this?
I expect a victory for May, as predicted - traders seem awfully carefull out there
Gbp should…
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US elections closing in

With US elections closing in, I plan my strategy for trading
Here are my thoughts on the matter:
- I do not believe Trump will win
- There are so much prominent television figures opposing Trump, that most Americans will refrain/not dare to vote for him,
in fear of feeling stupidand/or rejected by society - people are being subtly brainwashed into voting Clinton
- The current (popular) president Obama supports Hilary Clinton, as do most world leaders
On election day we should, therefore, see a …
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