
タグ・フィルター:  Education

Как выучить любой текст меньше, чем за день?

Всем привет!
У меня не очень хорошая память, но актерская профессия обязывает учить много текста в короткие сроки. Я хочу поделиться с вами простой и очень действенной техникой, которая улучшает память и помогает выучить необходимый текст за вечер.
1. Обязательно перепишите необходимый текст в блокнот или просто на лист бумаги хотя бы один раз (а в идеале два-три).
2. Возьмите текст и прочтите вслух первое предложение 3 раза. Затем, прочтите второе предложение также 3 раза и один раз 1-ое и 2-ое…
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Leriia avatar
Leriia 2019年01月15日

Тоже так учила в школе и институте ) только видимо я исключение, все что учила перед сном, на утро забывалось

ElizaKovalskaya avatar
ElizaKovalskaya 2019年01月15日

Мне кажется, что это ещё от человека зависит) Каждый выбирает свой индивидуальный способ, который реально работает)



Всем Трейдерам привет!
По просьбам некоторых трейдеров и подписчиков, представляем Вам пример производства разметки по методу «Волновой Теории Р.Н. Эллиотта» от старших таймфреймов к младшему.
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Higher Education

Hello Community What is your personal opinion about higher education? As for me sometimes I think that it is usless in our time. I saw many examples of people who didn't graduated from University and had reached high achievements in terms of finance. No need to go far, for example Bill Gates (just 2 years in university) or Steve Jobs. Even Mark Zuckerberg left his education in Harvard because of Facebook. Maybe I'm wrong and I need to finish my studeis...but sometimes my inner demon hints at m…
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uber avatar
uber 2017年10月22日

Sasha_spicy  I can only speak from the USA. I found the experience of attending a university/college as invaluable, but if you are also an entrepreneur as I am, then the experience does not necessarily translate into useful pragmatism. Gates, Jobs, Zuckerberg all had an entrepreneurial vision that translated into "College can wait". :))

cerrah2014 avatar
cerrah2014 2017年10月23日

ı mıs my days

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 2017年11月13日

Education is a life long learning process...being here at Dukascopy is already your first step to becoming a Forex Trader....get yourself a good education (reading, research, listening, etc) in the forex market and..if your goal is financial security... you will have a good life without doing very much other than to click on a "buy", "sell", and "close" button and make more money than some poor soul toiling under the hot sun for a day/week/month/year and even years.


Learn the powerful Ichimoku!

If you haven't already checked it out be sure to check out my new article! It is filled with valuable information on the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.
''Teachings of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo''
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 2017年06月21日

Индикатор очень интересный-я по нему торговала


Learn from my articles!!!

''Beginners Guide to the Famous Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator'' https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/fx-article-contest/?Beginners-Guide-To-The-Famous&action=read&id=3884
''An introduction to pattern trading'' https://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/fx-article-contest/?An-Introduction-To-Pattern-Trading&action=read&id=3851
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Dukascopy Community TV Webinar Schedule as of August 17, 2016

A very good morning to you, dear traders,
We are back with a fresh round of #webinars today!
Stay classy and join us on Telefision: https://www.dukascopy.com/inc/tv/img/live/telefision.php
Community TV
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It's a Girl Thing

I found this video yesterday evening, and it made me think.
I really like how this short clip made. I think its present whole idea, that woman need education.
And this international organisation gives good possibilities, to rise attention.
And clearly send the messege.
Its not about feminism, its more about treatment and responsibility and respect.
I see it like this.
Good video, I will be interested to see your opinion!
h ere is the link of this organisation:
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Bioethics is study for Future.

Once I put up the theme, and asked do you know about Bioethics and do you interest to know about it?
""What goes around, comes around" -post.
Did you hear about Bioethics as the program, what it is about?
(i got some answers and I like this from -verindur)
verindur on 3 Oct "If it is about Ethics then I would be knowing it. Of course I am not answering your next question.))
verindur 3 Oct "Bioethics is the s…
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Vitava avatar
Vitava 2014年10月22日

Биоэтика важная ступень между человеком потребителем и человеком -разумным, мы перестали мыслить и биоэтика учит нас уважать мир

verindur avatar
verindur 2014年10月22日

Polar shift has already started. And all the Bioethics programs ignored by humanity will be reminded by Mother Nature & Earth. Not a good news. But the Nature never shirks from its duties. 

JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年10月26日

Wish you all the best with this project


School Baby :D

Do you remember your school days?
It feels like this week is nostalgia week for me Im just remembering some good memories,
here is also post "Old School Baby" http://www.dukascopy.com/fxcomm/blog/?action=post-show&post_id=30023
Here I want to share with you my experience and the differenties between School Education in Canada,Ottawa
And School Education in Latvia,Riga.
In Riga we have old Post Sovet school (right now it get reforma, and become more loyal)
But as I remember w
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JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年09月28日

so sweet)

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar
Sergej_Tomilino_2 2014年09月30日

I remeber, because we learned at the same school until my arrival to Russian)

Jignesh avatar
Jignesh 2014年10月25日

Sounds like it was quite an experience.  I can't say school was like that for me.. I think we had 4-5 classes per semester, but I can't quite remember now..  Maybe a difference between Toronto and Ottawa?

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年10月25日

Jignesh yes :) I just compering school in Riga(Latvia) I lived before and Ottawa(Canada). in Ottawa we had 4 classes per day and possibility to choose. but in Riga we had 7-8 classes per day without possibility to choose :D That was the great difference!

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年10月25日

Miss that days,really, )


The most Dangerous and Unusual Journeys to School

Hello, Everybody!
If you have children and they started they new study year and don't want to go to school. Please show this pictures to them!
I think after they change their mind
Me too, I remember myself, and compering with those children, who make this everyday Journey, I feel shame,my school was about 10 minutes to go.
they want to study so much! Wish to create a programe to help them.
My good friend right now working on one project for Africa, for children to make them study more easier.
翻訳する: 英語 オリジナルを表示
JungaBunga avatar
JungaBunga 2014年09月05日

Thats kids have too much adventures, so they probably sit still ant class, and listening carefully.

Stix avatar
Stix 2014年09月05日

Thank you ! :) :)

tonio avatar
tonio 2014年09月09日

lots of people using this bridge ,and yet no one is thinking to repair it?if they have put as much  effort to cross it ,as to repair it ,it would have been done already.

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 2014年09月11日

yes, youre right! i don't know why it still in this condition.. :°/
