Блог Haynes6EU


EURUSD - Visit 1.1 level after French predential election?

Hi community members,
Background: this forecast base on balanced distribution and politic event (2nd round of French predential election). Because the technical contest is to predict price on 1st of June, so I use weekly chart for trend and range forecast; daily chart for price point forecast.
Weekly chart shows market stop to sell EUR vs USD from last Dec 2016. I think it's base on fundament data (Inflation expectation, monetary policy from ECB and also politics event ... ) that would be very d…
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 4 Май

Update 1: This pair is quite boring after huge gap last week. It's seem that market is waiting new force from fundamental data and politic even at the end of this weekend.

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 8 Май

Update 2: My target hit on this monday after 2nd round of French presidential election finished. I expect prices will go around 1.1 level most of this week.

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 15 Май

Update 3: Prices was at 1.102 at the begin of last week after 2nd of French predential election finished with a victory of Emmanuel Macron, that was six months high level. Market was taking profit quickly and it make price deceased to 1.085 and found support at that level.

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EURUSD is in a narrow range, prepare for break?

Only technical view about this pair:
1. Weekly chart: The pair is in a narrow range, it could be preparing for a break out. EURUSD can test 1.4 and even to 1.41 before go down follow rising wedge in long term downtrend.
2. Daily chart: I expect the price could stand around pivot point on 2nd of June. Value area is rising!
My target: 1.392!
Thanks and Best Regards,
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 2 Май

The pair still is moving in narrow range. A break hasn't happen yet :D

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 12 Май

ECB meeting: the pair visit 1.39933, after fall down sharply. 1.4 is very strong resistance now!

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 16 Май

1.4 becomes strong resistance level. Price fall down from there to 1.37 level.Market is expecting new action from ECB in June!

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 21 Май

Reversal pattern. Support level 1.365 still hold. Euro position changed to net short position last week!

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 31 Май

Do nothing to wait ECB meeting in June

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EURUSD is ranging at the top of rising wedge. Reversal?

1. Weekly chart: Rising wedge in downtrend from July 2008. It may be a reversal signal??? and the pair is moving in a range 1.365~1.395
2. Daily chart: I see some support level at: 1.365; 1.348 and 1.33 (major support). Resistance level at 1.384 and 1.397.
If the price break 1.365 level, it would be a reversal signal and more downside is expected. If support level 1.365 hold, We can see the price bounce to 1.384 level.
3. EZ CPI continues to be lower. Meanwhile FED continue to taper monthly bon…
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Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 30 Апр.

Thank you :) I think the pair can break but question is when?

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 1 Май

1.38747 on 12GMT 1st of May :D


Thanks Haynes, i can make money

anton_dang avatar
anton_dang 2 Май

excellent my friend

Haynes6EU avatar
Haynes6EU 2 Май

Thanks and good luck to my friends

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