JuliaBF's Blog


Sweets during diet? YES!!!

Hello Community!
How is Wednesday going? Hope that very well!)))))) All people in the wold are eating sweets. This is irrefutable fact! For girls it is one of the way to rise up mood)) So what to do if you decided to do diet? Summer is coming and I am sure that most of girls have already started to get ready for warm season by doing sport and keeping diet :up )))) There is no way totally remove sugars from your life. We are doing a lot to look amazing and we deserve to feel good as well.
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VictoriaVika avatar

Do marmalade at home yourself? I am not Jamie Oliver, no, no :)))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.

ahahahahah!!! To be honest I'm not in to it as well but they say it is possible)))

maximemc8 avatar

heheheh , hey girls .... take some Grand ma Advises and at the kitchen for marmelade ahahah :p
Agree with honey, it its very usefull and protect your body from external bacteries and attacks.... :)

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To Eat Or Not To Eat?? . .

Heeeeyyy Friends!
This blog mostly devoted to girls and our favorite topic "What to eat for losing weight?". I think men are more easy in this field. No? Mostly you are happy only with good workouts and after you can eat what you want in a smart frames of course.)) But we are, girls, it is totally another story! We are doing crazy workouts almost every day than we are doing different, sometimes painful body shaping treatments and, after all, we are keeping diet! Who won't feel frustrated one day
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verindur avatar
verindur 1 Mar.

Eat healthy and Stay Healthy..))))) Positive Energy from your thoughts plays on your minds and effects your bodies. That's reality. How you generate your positive thoughts energy is your own process. It can be physical, dietry, mental and spiritual. Choice is yours. Which fascinates you the most and which you think is more effective for you.

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 2 Mar.

Good and right thoughts verindur! As they say in ex USSR "A healthy body has a healthy soul")))))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahah :) funny video :)
Com on, there is only some pleasure in life, sometimes you have to cross the smart frames....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 5 Mar.

ahahahah! You know maximemc8 as soon as I cross smart frame I'm not able to stop thats why I prefer to keep it)))

maximemc8 avatar

JuliaBF, we are in the same boat.... but i need to cross it some time to time.... even if my GF will be oblige to stop me.... i do ahahah , fortunately she is here.....

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