AdamFx42's Blog


Opening long NZD and AUD positions again from lows

I am starting to open long positions Aud and Nzd again

Buying Nzd and Aud positions from lows has been the tactic this month
I am stuck with a few Usd shorts for now,
but I don't trust them anymore now that they are not moving down fast enough
I have opened a NzdUsd long from support/deep retracement last week
and will be looking to go long more Aud and Nzd crosses
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Decided to hold longs AUD and NZD for a littlewhilelonger

I have opened a few longs Aud and Nzd crosses

I am not seeing any pullback in the market for Aud and Nzd pairs
which leads me to believe that there might be more room up for these pairs
I am long AudJpy and NzdJpy as the Yen is weaker now against the USD
I will be looking to buy Aud and Nzd pairs on retracement levels
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Closing long positions today NZD and AUD

I have closed my long positions Aud and Nzd today

I was up to 230K today and decided to close my positions for now
I am not sure if Nzd and Aud crosses are still moving up
I had a GbpNzd short that lost me some pips,
and I am looking to switch to another opportunity now
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Looking to add to USD longs at market open

I will be looking to add to my Usd long position this week

At market open my UsdNok long is still alright
I will be looking to add another Usd long position now that the weekend leverage
is out of the way for the week, until Friday close
Usd long crosses have my preference
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USD longs paying off (with patience)

My Usd longs are starting to pay off at last
I have been long Usd since the start of the week
UsdJpy hit a stop loss, but my Usd crosses remain open
It has been up and down all week - mostly down
Today my Usd long crosses are in the green and starting to pay off
The problem now is the weekend leverage
I will have to find a spot to close them for the week
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USDJpy down today, but USD crosses in doubt

UsdJpy is down quite a bit today
Some soft data, and bearish talk today on the US markets sent UsdJpy down
I have a bundle of Usd crosses - long positions open
Initially I seemed to suffer quite a big drawdown, but I seem alright now
Although I am not making any money at the moment,
I will be keeping my long Usd crosses open, as weakness in UsdJpy does not seem to affect them much
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USD positions feeling the pain

My Usd longs are in some trouble now
I am long UsdJpy, UsdNok, UsdSek, and UsdMxn
My UsdJpy has a significant drawdown at the moment,
it seems that the predicted Usd strength above 1.10 is in question at the moment
UsdNok and UsdSek are doing alright, but UsdMxn is doing badly too
If UsdJpy fails to recover above 1.10 again I might be in trouble here
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Nice profit on FOMC

I made a nice profit just now after FOMC release
I went long UsdJpy just before the FOMC and slightly above 1.10
I added Usd crosses long, too
My UsdNok and UsdSek positions have done well
and I am now up to around 240K
I will retire for the weekend now
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Selling the Yen this final week

I have decided to go long UsdJpy before the FOMC
I am also long GbpJpy, EurJpy, NzdJpy, and CadJpy
This will be my last attempt to gain a substantial amount
And hopefully take a top 10 position
UsdJpy should attract buyers before the FOMC
And the crosses will follow up
Gl all
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USD strength saved me last night - and A lesson learnt

Yesterday I could not stop myself from trading and it almost cost me a lot
I would short Euro/Usd, and two Euro crosses Eur/Aud and Eur/Nzd,
and also Gbp/Aud and Gbp/Nzd yesterday afternoon largely because I was looking for a final opportunity to gain second place
in performance points, and my initial plan to short Usd/Jpy around 105 seemed out of the picture
as I don't think the pair will get there this year the way it has stalled
The reason for these trades is my technical analysis on Eur/Usd…
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