AdamFx42's Blog


NZD CPI release last night

Last night was the CPI release in New Zealand
I decided to trade this release as figures were expected to be good
and NzdUsd had dipped back to 0.7 hours before the release
It seemed like a good opportunity to make some pips
The release was better than expected
and I was short GbpNzd, EurNzd, and long NzdUsd, NzdChf and NzdCad before-hand
I quickly closed my psitions on the initial move and ade about 70K
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Trading the Canadian releases coming up

The Canadian consumer price index - or CPI - figures are coming up
I decided to trade the last major piece of economic data coming out this week
I noticed in the market that traders are already buying Eur/Cad and Gbp/Cad before the release
as if they know what is going to happen??
I decided to go short both these pairs as they are higher now and near resistance levels
The Canadian spending figures should be good, as Eur and US figures where good too,
and there are no indications of a downfall th…
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