

Trying my hand again at NZD and AUD long

This month I will be trying to long Nzd and Aud again

I think Nzd and Aud still may move up soon, could be this month
The pairs NzdUsd and AudUsd look supported below
I will be going long AudUsd and NzdUsd and other crosses this month
Trying to build a healthy profit - see how far I get
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I know what to do now this month

I have figured out what to do in the contest this month now

I have been looking at the rankings and possibilities in this month's contest
and have drawn up a plan for tomorrow
I have 149 points for performance but I am 20K above the person with 148 points
so I have room to trade, and calculated loss
The person above me has only 1K more so I can try to make it 150 points reasonably safely
If there is not too much movement among the rest,
I should end up 5th in the contest after my trader's blog …
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GBPUsd has caught my attention now

I have been looking at GbpUsd and other Gbp pairs

If I were to trade anything on Monday, the last trading day of this month's contest
then it would have to be GbpUsd or another Gbp cross
Retracement down in GbpUsd is huge in a short time, from 1.43 to 1.37+
I will be keeping an eye on Gbp at market open
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Top 6 position in the contest is my goal now

Just before the weekend close I find myself on the 6th place in the contest

Just before the last weekend close of the contest I am doing alright
The placing is beginning to take form, and the players who will win prizes are becoming evident
I was looking to climb a place from number 5 yesterday to maybe number 4\
Today there is a new number 5 though, and I am sixth
If I plan any last move on Monday - the last day of trading this month - it will be because I have fallen out of the top 6
good wee…
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Looking forward to opening long USD positions

I am waiting for markets to open tonight to go long Usd

My opened long Usd positions were stopped out on Friday
due to Dukascopy weekend leverage in the contest
These positions were starting to make a comeback after being in the red all week
I was finally in the green again when I got stopped out
I am thinking the trend will continue this way now, though
and I will be opening my long Usd positions again the coming week
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Up and Down a bit in the Contest

I am hanging around the top 20 in the Contest
I have been up to number 4, and have been down to number 36 the past days
This has to do with my open positions
I am short GbpNzd, and GbpAud, and there is some movement in these pairs,
also I am long UsdJpy, and I went from being in the green to being in the red
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April contest at an end

I finished in a top 10 position this month
I am very happy with my performance in the trader contest this month
I finished in the top 10 after almost giving up in the beginning of the month
I made a couple of good trades after that
and then held on to my capital
I hardly had time to trade at the end of the month
and doing other things besides trading has taught me a lesson, too
One needs to be able to relax and focus on other things;
to step back now and then and watch market flows and direction…
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Back in the top 10

I have been able to get back in the top 10 in the traders contest
I had left my EurJpy, NzdJpy and CadJpy longs in over the weekend,
they opened flat but margin on my account was down to 50% again
and I was able to open my GbpJpy and AudJpy longs again that I had to close Friday due to margin requirements
This morning I have made a profit of around 80K and I am closing my positions
I am back in the top 10 of the contest again - at 8th place
I will be looking for an opportunity to make a few more…
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Creeping back up towards top 10

I am slowly creeping back up in the contest
My GbpJpy and EurJpy, AudJpy, NzdJpy and CadJpy longs are holding slightly bullish
Technicals look good for a Jpy weakening
I am hoping that I can gather a few more pips before market close
then I will still have a whole week to achieve my goal:
a top 5 position this month
have a great weekend all
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Staying in form during the Holidays

A perfect way for me to stay in tune with the market during Xmas is the technical analysis contest
This has been a great month for me in the trader contest;
I have had a good plan and a solid strategy for trading the markets
I have learnt only to enter when I am sure about the trade - technical, fundamental and with the proper Risk-Reward ratio
I like participating in the technical analysis contest too
but I have been so focused on the trader contest this month I could not put in the time to wri…
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