kahinistanbul's Blog


EURusd overview

The ongoing refugee crisis between the Christian Union bloc (CDU and CSU parties), one of the largest partners of the German coalition, remains uneasiness over Euro assets. Especially in recent days, statements made after the meeting by Prime Minister Angela Merkel and CDU Parliamentary Group President Volker Kauder show that there is no agreement on immigration policy. Explanations that may come today or in the following days can be directly effective on the parity, so it is useful to follow ca…
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EURusd overview

Recently, the Dove toned remarks from European Central bank officials put pressure on euro assets, while finally the President of the Federal Reserve and ECB Member Jens Weidmann said they would continue to remain expansionary in monetary policy even after net asset purchases have ended. Weidmann also argued that there are some difficulties in achieving inflation but that they will eventually reach the target level. On the other hand, reports from countries with troubled economies such as Italy …
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GBPusd overview

According to the data released in the UK in May, retail sales data was 1.3 percent on a monthly basis and 3.9 percent on an annual basis, while non-fuel Core retail sales were 1.3 percent on a monthly basis and 4.4 percent on a monthly basis. On brexit, the House of Commons, the lower wing of Parliament, rejected the changes made by the House of Lords in the Brexit bill. The rejected changes included those that would lead the country to remain in the European Economic Zone and Customs Union. The…
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EURusd overview

Industrial production in Germany today, despite expectations of 0.3 percent, while the country's trade balance remained below expectations of -1.0 percent, 19 billion 400 million excess gave. Negative data from both Germany and France in the last 2 days has created sales pressure on euro assets despite positive statements by ECB officials on the bond buying program. On the other hand, the rally in the bond interest rates in Italy has supported the drawback seen today by the parity side. On the o…
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EURusd overview

Yesterday, while monitoring the complex data from Europe, President Giuseppe Conte drew attention to the positive statements of the Government formed by two parties known as populist discourses in Italy. On the other hand, the uncertainties in Spain's political arena are followed, while expectations for this month's meeting of the European Central Bank are very important in terms of pricing. The latest claim on this subject is that at the June meeting, the ECB may not announce the expiry date of…
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