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A bit of soap opera

Сериалы. ГОСПОДИ ТЫ БОЖЕ МОЙ! Я, наверное, осмелюсь сказать, что у меня от них зависимость. Нет, я серьёзно. Готовьтесь к длинному посту
«В поле зрения» («Person of Interest&raquo . Самое шедевральное, что я видела. Однозначно. Ясное дело, что сериалы и фильмы принято делить по жанрам, но… это – бесспорный лидер вне их зависимости. Такого вы точно не видели! Интереснейший симбиоз таинственного детектива с добротной щепоткой боевика и драмы. И даже юмор присутствует. Действительно смешной, а не …
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Yesterday I was at the cinema, I watched Thor Ragnarok. I went there with the thoughts that 3rd part of Thor would be a failure and it's was made only for profit from the rental of the movie. Fortunately my expectations were not met and I was interested in the whole film
I don't quite understand the people who relate to Marvel's films as to something serious and on some funny moments in the movies they wrinkle their faces) Hey man, it's a comics, you know? All Marvel movies are shot by comics, o…
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RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 13 Nov.

I will definately watch that movie when I catch it : )

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The Premiere of my film

I want to share this news with you
Looking back of this Summer, I made a Premiere of my film "Lost Souls
This film is creepy,scarry,funny and depressive at he same time.
This is huge story behind, and why I did it only this year.
This year for me to finish
This film I filmed in 2005-2006, and only in 2008 this film get over voiced by my friend, and I edited it.
Then it spend a while on my computer. And then I took it and decide to make a premiere
I invited everyone wh
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speculo_ergo_sum avatar

is this a play movie or documentary?

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First movie in the world!

Hey Community!
Have you ever seen the very first movie which appeared in this world? Do you know the place where it was shown to people for the very first time? No??????? Than I am ready to tell you a little of interesting history :up )))))
So the 21st of March 1895 the oldest cinema in the world made the first movie night in the world!! And guess where? France! It was L'Eden Theatre which located in a small city La Ciotat which is on the way to Marseille, just half an hour away.
It was black an
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 3 Mar.

Какие все осведомленные))))))))))

Olga18375 avatar

Не все

maximemc8 avatar


Mariia avatar
Mariia 6 Mar.

Мы просто учились вместе)))на режиссерском)

verindur avatar
verindur 9 Mar.

Interesting ..)))))))))))

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Every trader must see

How are you doing here, dear community? I had amazing couple of days in Geneva last Friday, going to share a small review on my trip later - we were doing some other promotional videos and photos, it was another exciting and productive day in Geneva!!
But this post is about something else. Yesterday I saw one brilliant movie about Trader life - The Wolf of Wall Street with Leo Di Caprio. I have to say - EVERY TRADER MUST SEE THIS MOVIE!
It was very inspiring and motivating!!! I didn't noti…
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Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 24 Jan.

Ну классика жанра).амбиции.дорогие костюмы.наркота.девочки.ягуар))...лучше документалку посмотрите "Трейдер на миллион".более реалистично)))

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 24 Jan.

Леонардо как личность заслуживает глубокое уважение. он меценат

Atashi_Tada avatar

Nadin - надо будет глянуть, спасибо)

Nadin5794 avatar
Nadin5794 25 Jan.

Реальные ситуации реального брокера в си ти.рекомендую.без купюр скажем так о новичках в торговле))

kolokol avatar
kolokol 26 Jan.

1:0 )))))

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