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My Christmas Video

Я так волнуюсь ^_^
Надеюсь вам понравится!!!
С любовью, Наташа
=* (видео внутри!!!)
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mag avatar
mag 3 Ene

is cool, Happy New Year 2014 !!!

Daytrader21 avatar

Natali, I've told you that you're going to win it:)......It seems I've got good premonition:).

PAPA avatar
PAPA 7 Ene

Wow wow wow! Amazing work, talented actress and great video as a result! GO GO NATALYA!~~

currency avatar
currency 21 Abr

Самое лучшее видео которое я видел от Миссок!!!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 31 Mar

Video has disappeared into the dark void :p...

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Christmas 2013

Мои дорогие друзья, уважаемые трейдеры, сотрудники банка Dukascopy! Всем привет из Санкт-Петербурга-Северной Столицы России! Вот и подошел к концу 2013 год.... Это был год Змеи..... Кто и как провел этот год!? Хочется заглянуть в ваши дома,в вашу жизнь.... Да, все по разному.... У кого - то было много разных событий,путешествий,праздников,а кто-то потерпел неудачу! Давайте ВЫЧЕРКНЕМ из памяти плохие воспоминания и оставим в памяти хорошие яркие моменты своей жизни!Впереди нас ждет....
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Katena avatar
Katena 6 Ene

Это очень оригиально! Супер ...необычно! Молодец!

arturnikulind avatar

Лично для меня ты лучшее,и это лучшее и необысное поздравление. Спасибо большое...Креативно!

kolokol avatar
kolokol 6 Ene

Друзья,большое спасибо за поддержку и такие слова:)))

akbarich avatar

Молодец! Мне понравилось.

kolokol avatar
kolokol 6 Ene

Спасибо, от вас это вдвойне дорого:)

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Dukascopy Comunity Members!
Finally I've done my Christmas Wishes and I invite you to see my video and listen a music,
which is created and played by my father Aleksandr Fedotov - it is his Christmas gift for all of you! I hope, you will have a nice time with my video
My Wishes are in English and in Russian languages. Christmas decorations (at the end of a video) I've made myself.
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Haynes6EU avatar

Happy new year! Best wish for you :D

mavrovski avatar

Wonderful,Happy new Year :)

Paulito avatar
Paulito 2 Ene

Happy new year to you!

floge avatar
floge 3 Ene

happy new year!

agrawal4443 avatar

happy new yr ilonalt...

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Spread Your Christmas Love

Hi Community,
Christmas is almost here... I hope you are with your family and friends around!
Love,care, friendship and togetherness make the Christmas time all the more unique. Christmas also means spreading the affection of our heart into the lives of others and bringing in pleasure and cheers. Christmas is a perfect time to say love and good wishes for those we cares.
Getting someone wishes on Christmas day is a happy time. I'm happy to share my wishes with YOU!
You know me; I like to write b…
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seediee avatar
seediee 28 Dic

Woow! Thank you dear people! I'm glad you like my xmas wishes! Happy Happy New 2014 Year to all of you with lots of success, health, happiness and love... <3

sankit avatar
sankit 31 Dic

Edita , good to see a lovely family and wishes of yours . I hope santa completes your Son's demand of Ipad :):):) Wish you and your family have all happiness in 2014 !! tc

sankit avatar
sankit 31 Dic

Edita , good to see a lovely family and wishes of yours . I hope santa completes your Son's demand of Ipad :):):) Wish you and your family have all happiness in 2014 !! tc

Erialda avatar
Erialda 31 Dic

Dear Edita i wish you all the best for you and your family this year, i liked your video with your kids, Cheers ...

jezz avatar
jezz 10 Ene

I can't help to say that I am sorry I didn't see this before... in fuss over my New Year plans... sharing good thoughts, and you're scaring me sometimes - I feel like you entered my head, collected my thoughts and shared them here

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Merry Christmas

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mag avatar
mag 23 Dic

Merry Christmas Haynes6EU

agddivisas avatar

Merry Christmas!

alincik avatar
alincik 26 Dic

Merry Christmas :)

Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 Dic

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!

honamkts avatar

Hey, lúc này trade sao rồi em ?

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My Christmas wishes to all Dukascopy community

Hello Dear readers,
As I promised I was all about to make my Christmas video for you, so this task has preoccupied my weekend and I really hope you will enjoy the result!
London is obsessed with Christmas! You cannot find a single place where you don't see something related to the Christmas. Even though we don't have snow and weather is much more suitable for spring/autumn rather than winter I still enjoy it very much! It's really Christmas in the air!
I did my house festive decorations and for …
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Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you everyone!!!

Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 Dic

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!

floge avatar
floge 3 Ene

happy new year!

Magic_FX avatar

+1 vote

Atashi_Tada avatar

thank you all! happy new year!!!

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Какая разная ОНА жизнь Даже у Деда МОРОЗА бывает ))))))
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Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 Dic

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!

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Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Hello , dear members of the community and the participants of the contest ! I'm with you again , and very happy about it You already probably know that 2014 - the year of the horse. This beautiful animal I associate with something beautiful , graceful and fabulous.With all my heart I want to congratulate all happy New Year and Merry Christmas ! ! ! I wish you all happiness, love, health and good luck . Let the New Year will be better than the old year . Let troubles , sickness, trouble and frus…
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99Natali avatar
99Natali 25 Dic

marcom13,Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

shanziester avatar

nice video !

Furian avatar
Furian 27 Dic


Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 Dic

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!

99Natali avatar
99Natali 28 Dic

I want to say to everyone who liked my video and congratulations, thank you so much! At each of my message, I put a piece of my heart, and if you liked it, then my heart with you :))) All Happy New Year and Merry Christmas let come true all your dreams!

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Christmas task: an inspirational video. (click show more)

Dear ladies, I remind you of the Christmas contest we are currently running. The prizes are iPhone 5s, iPad and a Macbook Air.
Read more about the task.
Apple company have proven that they are still very good at addressing their message to their clients and are more than capable of enforcing their brand-name and value. They guys that have been working on this video have made a terrific job. I am sharing it with you to INSPIRE you. I hope this brings some Christmas spirit and we see amazing congr…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 19 Dic

we enjoyed snow only for a few days in the beginning of December and that's all......there are no snow left in Vilnius, all melted

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 Dic

Ilonalt, same here. It's like in Onegin - "<..> В тот год осенняя погода стояла долго на дворе. Зимы ждала, ждала природа. Снег выпал только в январе, на третье в ночь... <..> "

ViKtoriia avatar

Great loving family - it's the best that can be in life.

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 20 Dic

Nick, I hope that snow will come back this year, i would like it very much :)It is more likely to meet New Year with snow outside.One of things I wanted to do in my Christmas greetings - make snow angels :)

Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 Dic

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!

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Hello my friends
How are you , i hope well and in good mood... I know i am dissapeared from here, well i am a forex trader , i am working with my live account , trying to make some money lol ...
So Christmas is coming, may be you are thinking to buy presents to your family, thinking to make a good dinner and to be all together ...
If i will say to you to make the role of Santa Claus for one day for some special persons, you have around you...What would you do ???
Share the Spirit of Christmas ..
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Erialda avatar
Erialda 18 Dic

Merry Christmas to you too agddivisas :)

Haynes6EU avatar

Merry Christmas :)

Skif avatar
Skif 18 Dic

Merry Christmas :)

seediee avatar
seediee 18 Dic

Good job! Very touching. It is so sad that only on Xmas people wish to help. I wish that magic of Christmas lasts all year long! For everybody! Merry Xmas!!! ho ho ho :)))

Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 Dic

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!

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