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Delightful cakes cheer your Blue Monday up

Good morning community ~~
Welcome to the last Monday in November
It is time to cheer yourself up with great cake on Blue Monday
When I feel upset, I prefer eating many many desserts and sweet food
So dessert is always my happy pill, to cure my unhappiness
When I see the colorful cake and dessert, it cheers me up in no time!
Nothing can be as effective as dessert that help relieve my stress instantly
Let me introduce you 5 great cakes to cheer your morning up xoxo

Heavenly Angel Food Cak
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peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 24 Нояб.

JockPippin Why not at the same time? Maybe it gives special excitement LOL

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 24 Нояб.

OK  Peachy I'm coming to your house for High tea  :) .Yummm the pudding looks delicious.Whipped cream ?? .

peachynicnic avatar
peachynicnic 24 Нояб.

JockPippin Alright !! My door is always opened for you LOL , peachynicnic with whipped cream, how does it sound ?LOL

JockPippin avatar
JockPippin 24 Нояб.

Sounds like it could satisfy my sweet tooth !! . I'm dreaming of seconds already  :) . What's that post code again lol.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 Дек.

Great for getting and being a future diabetes patient :p...

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Outrageously Delicious Cookies to Bake Right Now

Good morning my lovely community!
Today it is time for cookies whoaaa
You should better spend your morning brewing a nice tea and eating delicious cookies
Maybe you will think like, oh cookies are not as attractive as cake or chocolate!
No, you are definitely wrong!
Cookies can be amazing too if you are creative enough to do some mix and match
I am not telling you to mix it with bacon lol
But you can probably try out the following cookies

Citrus Butter Cookies
Turtle Thumbprint Cookies
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bharatholsa avatar
bharatholsa 6 Нояб.

looks appetizing ))  Citrus Butter Cookies definitely !!

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