Natalia_Kisenko's Blog



Прогулявшись по улицам практически любого мальтийского города, вы получите смутное чувство, что вы в каком-то из величайших хитов европейской архитектуры - здесь немного Лондона, отголоски Парижа, возможно прикосновение Рима - фасады церквей в стиле барокко. И это не удивительно, финикийцы, карфагеняне, римляне, рыцари Святого Иоанна, французы и англичане - все это прокатилось через века и оставило неизгладимые напоминания об их завоеваниях.
Мальта сегодня - это современное и хорошо работающее…
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Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

ух как мне нравится )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

тебе Мальта нравится?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

да ))

Vlad73 avatar
Vlad73 25 Nov.

интересно бы попасть на Мальту

ESokol avatar
ESokol 25 Nov.

а почему именно в Мальту?

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Добрый день, дорогое сообщество!
Самой красивой пещерой в мире является Куэвас-де-Мармол, которая находится в южной части Чили. Также ее называют «Мраморным собором», потому что она из твердого мрамора.
Пещера окружена кристально чистым озером. Головокружительный узор на пещерных интерьерах являются отражением лазурной воды озера, которые меняются в зависимости от уровня воды, погоды и сезона.
Посетители всегда очарованы уникальной способностью пещеры постоянно менять свой внешний вид. В начале …
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edlim avatar
edlim 20 Nov.

good one :-0...

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

я только за )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

первый раз такое вижу )

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Nov.

наверное там красиво

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

да, красиво

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Cаla Goloritzé beach, Sardinia, Italy

Sardіnia beaches are very diverse. But few of them can compete with Cаla Goloritzé. This stunningly beautiful beach is one of beautiful beaches the Gulf of Orosei (in Italian Golfo di Orоsei), dotted with tiny white pebbles, and is located in the shadow of cliffs covered with macchia.
Cala Golorittse is not a classic beach "from a picture" with a silky soft sand and palm trees on the horizon. Its attractiveness is due to hardness of reaching and transparency of local waters. There are only two w…
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massimoscalas avatar

It 'an area that I know very well because I've spent my summers as a teenager and after a break of 20 years I go back every summer for the past 10 years. There are great places and little-known nearby.

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

massimoscalas  you are a lucky guy! :)

massimoscalas avatar

Yes, I was born in a very beautiful country ... we hope not to ruin it too

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 24 Nov.

какой пляж!

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 23 Dec.

It's really a very beautiful beach

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Blue Caves of Zakynthos, Greece

Good evening, dear friends!
Among warm emerald waters of Ionian Sea is a lovely little island - Zakynthos. It is the most flourishing, heavenly, green area throughout Greece. Almost the whole area is dotted with a carpet of all kinds of flowers and herbs, magical fragrance which spreads throughout the island.
Beauty of this island and its enchanting blue cave had been praised by writers and artists during history of its existence.
Blue Caves seem fabulous, mythical palaces, which were grown o…
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WallStreet6 avatar

That would be great! but they don't have many open positions for those dream jobs:( They had one in the Great Barrier Reef where they were looking for a person to stay there and write a blog about it. I also didn't get the hotel checker one:(

WallStreet6 avatar

The FA contest- I think it's a good observation- I guess too much analysis isn't always helpfull:) ...and sometimes the market doesn't give a .... about the data:)

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

WallStreet6  yes, you are right

Wovch avatar
Wovch 23 Sep.


Aviator avatar
Aviator 24 Sep.

Очень красиво

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Tragoess underwater park in Austria

Dear Community! This blog post I’d like to write about a very beautiful and unusual park.
Thе pаrk is located in Austria. Half a year thе pаrk can be enjoyed as it is on land. But during the second half, it is impossible to contemplate. And the point is that thе pаrk is located on the bottom of a lake.
The lake is located in the municipality of Tragoess. It is surrounded by the Alps. To be precise, the lake on the site can be seen only in spring and summer. Under the sun, water in the lake e…
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vitaliani86 avatar

люблю дайвинг!

Wovch avatar
Wovch 23 July

а там вода пропадает?

Alexander22 avatar

никогда не видел такого )

vitaliani86 avatar

невероятное место!

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Sep.

Умеешь ты меня удивить )

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Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls - a legendary landmark, which attracts tourists from all over the world. Here the mighty Zambezi River drops down, forming a water curtain length of nearly 2 kilometers. Such a sight greets tourists coming here in the spring, when the river is full of water as much as possible, so that every second 5 million liters of water falling down to 100 meters and 30 km from the waterfall you can see the steam clouds rising above the water.
Indeed, water spray rising from the falls, formin…
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WallStreet6 avatar

But it's going to be on my way when I'll make a trip around the world:)

WallStreet6 avatar

...but first have to make some good trades:)

WallStreet6 avatar

....ok, ok- a lot of good trades:))))

Alexander22 avatar


Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Sep.


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Incredibly beautiful Chinese flower tea

Each morning people start in their own way: someone jogs, someone drinks a cup of coffee, while others enjoy spectacle of bright and beautiful flowering tea taste.
For Europeans, it is a real discovery: the fascinating process of blossoming bud in the teapot or cup. And for inventors of the drink, not a novelty. Even in the XII century in China they prepared blooming tea for emperors.
In China it is called "linked" tea, because it really connected with silk or cotton thread. This unit dose ca…
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Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 July

если честно, я люблю кофе ))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Wovch  по-моему большинство кофе любит

vitaliani86 avatar

интересно, никогда такой чай не пробовал )

vitaliani86 avatar

а какой он на вкус?

Aviator avatar
Aviator 25 Sep.

Мне не очень )

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Angеl Fаlls, Venеzuela

Good evening, dear Community!
This article is about one of the most amazing phenomenon on the Earth, waterfalls.
Any waterfall is an exciting spectacle, but there are instances іn thе wоrld that can be enjoyed for hours. One of them is Angеl Fаlls.
Angеl Fаlls, Venеzuela is the highest waterfall іn thе wоrld. Its total height is 1054 meters and it is situated in the heart of Amazon jungle. It is almost 20 times higher than the Niagаra waterfall.
Dialing rapid speed on the slope of the plat…
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Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 July

мне лучше поехать в Швейцарию, она ближе ))

Olkiss70 avatar
Olkiss70 19 July

nice video

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

всем нравится!

vitaliani86 avatar

очень красиво!

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Benefits of therapeutic mud

Hello Community!
This blog is about benefits of medical mud.
It is composed of organic and of inorganic substances, enzymes, vitamins and even antibiotics. It is actively used as a standalone tool аnd for drug development.
Recently, therapeutic mud is widely used іn cosmetic purposes. Most beauty salons offer mud wraps, mud masks.
Mud effectively combined with salts, clay or seaweed. After these procedures there is a relaxation of muscles аnd improves blоod circulation, which ultimately he…
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Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 July

неприятно только обмазавжись грязью высохать на солнце :((

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 17 July

Wovch  но после получаешь такое наслаждение ))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 21 July

это точно ))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

мне тоже понравилось )

NickSheret avatar
NickSheret 23 July

it's good for heath

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World's best resorts: BORA BORA

Good evening dear friends!
The island of Bora Bora is located in amazingly beautiful lagoon edged with coral reefs and a scattering of islets called Motu and is decorated with three peaks of volcanic origin. The fame of this picturesque island was brought by excellent resorts with features of Polynesian villages.
The best way to learn about the customs of Bora Bora and get to know the locals, is to go on a picnic on one of the Motu island where you were told about some plants, process of cookin…
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CharmingRimma avatar

wonderful landscape!

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Mariia  а еще лучше поселиться там )))

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 11 July

несомненно это рай ))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 July


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