JuliaBF's Blog


Beautiful Skin. What You Should Never Forget??

Hey Community!
I would like to devote this blog to the topic of Beauty of the skin. Usually in magazines, we are reading what shall we do to look pretty or which product is better to use in this or that case. I want to be special and don't want to follow stereotypes ))) Thats why I want to tell what you SHOULDN'T DO in order to keep a perfect condition of your skin. In fact, I am talking about not only the face but about skin in general and, of course, men should pay attention on this to
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JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

Я согласна с тобой anna_t!! Но уход из -вне для кожи необходим не меньше))))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

maximemc8 yes, actors and singers for example)

maximemc8 avatar

ahahaha and some very crazy about their own beauty... i have one libanese friend that put some powder when he has red spot on face or any marks ahaha

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 8 Apr

looolllll maximemc8 you see men can be different!

maximemc8 avatar

oh yeah some are more feminin .... ahah

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Water With Lemon And Honey. Benefits.

Hello Community!
I have a question. . How do you usually start your day?
They say that the best way to make your body wake up and work in the morning is to have a glass of water. It can be room temperature water, warm or water with lemon or. . . WATER WITH LEMON AND HONEY!
If you want to say fit and healthy this is the best way to start your day.

  • Helps to lose weight
  • Improves functioning of the colum
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anna_t avatar
anna_t 20 Mar

просто, вкусно и полезно)

maximemc8 avatar

This is very usefull it is true

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 Mar

yep))) and tasty)

verindur avatar
verindur 23 Mar

Thanks Doc : ))))))))))

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Beauty Trends of 2015

Hello Community!
Today I would like to talk to you about beauty trends for 2015 as in comparison to 2014 it had been changed a lot! First all I would like you to know that there is big YES to the natural beauty this year! And now lets see all trends in details

  1. No side shaved hair do! Volume, volume and one more time volume! BUT no forced waves. Natural light waves with amazing volume is in trend! You can do it easily with blow-dry and flat irons.
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maximemc8 avatar

agree!! i love light color skin, i like the poney tail ! not agree with that ahahahah

anna_t avatar
anna_t 20 Mar

мне такие тренды нравятся )

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 Mar

maximemc8 Than your girlfriend can be out of this trend))

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 20 Mar

anna_t  И мне))

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When In Doubt Wear Red

Hey Community!
What do you think about red lipstick?
What kind of woman can afford herself to wear it?
I think, first of all, this woman is self confident! You don't need to be Lady Vamp to wear it but you have to be brave with a big charisma for accepting millions of eyes on you! There is no brighter look than beautiful woman with red lips. .
Do you need special occasion for that?
No! When you feel like to wear red lips today or tonight, go ahead! Yes, it is appropriate for day time as well ju
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maximemc8 avatar

i love it.... no rules!!! but no kisses in public.... otherwise couple gonna become clown from Circus....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar

it is true maxime Lol

maximemc8 avatar

but i love it....... hummmm

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 23 Mar

we have the same taste maximemc8

maximemc8 avatar

i am sure about it, i would like to see you with red lips in real.....

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To Be Beautiful Is All About Balance

Hello Community!
Happy Sunday everyone and Happy Women's Day dear ladies!
This blog I would like to devote to the topic of beauty. What is beauty for you? Coco Chanel said that "If the woman in 30 hasn't became beautiful yet, she is simply stupid then". In general I agree with this expression but I believe the methods to improve your appearance can be different. I don't mind about plastic surgery at all when it needed but sometimes girls are going a bit too far with it. There is one girl from Uk
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Olga18375 avatar

я в шоке

lelipuzik avatar

А то, как она до этого себя довела? До фигуры как у барби, до талии? Удалить два ребра и кушать исключительно жидкие каши? Да это тронуться можно(

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 9 Mar

я думаю тут удалением только двух ребер не обошлось...

maximemc8 avatar


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Extensions VS Natural Beauty

Hey Community!
Today's blog I would like to devote to beauty topic )))
Since few latest decades it became popular among girls to make hair and eye lashes extensions. I would like to hear your opinion about that!
I can say from my own experience that when we are talking about high quality hair extensions made by really good specialist it looks like natural and no one can see difference between the texture of your own hair and extensions unless he or she put the hand inside your hair. I did it few…
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maximemc8 avatar

natural please natural!!!!

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 10 Mar

LOL maximemc8. I see you had experience))

maximemc8 avatar

ahahah when its staying in your hands during bed workout or when its visible .... or when you feel it while you touch your GF hair.... arffff horrible....

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 13 Mar

LOL sounds disgusting!!!!!! Ladies, did everyone hear?

maximemc8 avatar

ahahahah it is..... please never wear that .... only for fun maybe .....

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10 Best Foods for Perfect Skin

Hello Community!
For those who missed my webinar today I decided to make an article as in my oppinion it is useful information for Ladies))))))
Nowadays we are living in the world full of stress and bad ecology and ufortunatelly these factors are making bad influence on our skin. In order to improve the skin look it is not enough to do facial treatments and have regular visits to cosmetologist. In addition you have to use right products in order to improve your skin qualities from inside out.
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VictoriaVika avatar

Perfect blog about perfect skin!

verindur avatar
verindur 25 Set

I have no clue. Sometimes its good to be ignorant. You listen quitely. Ty JuliaBF.

JockPippin avatar

Also drinking lots of water :) .

JuliaBF avatar
JuliaBF 26 Set

JockPippin Thats an undeniable law!

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Hello Community!
Hope you are fine today and your Wednesday is going perfect!))))))))
I think that this information gonna be interesting for you, dear Ladies))))
All of us are working very hard in order to have a perfect body. We are going to gym a lot, doing different workouts, visiting cosmetologists and massagists. But sometimes we can miss it because of the lack of time!
For such cases my massagist gave me the recipe of mustard wrapping which can be done at home. It is really easy in prepara
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Stix avatar
Stix 17 Set

Awesome ! :) :)

Shalomavahatikvah avatar

Mustard. I always thought chocolate paint:)

peachynicnic avatar

sounds cool !

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