Daria13's Blog



Hello everybody!Today I wanna tell you how take care of facial skin. Im 23 years old girl and havent problems with my skin i think it is ideal. Maybe, cause im young, but i think its effective recipe of my facial skin care: green tea!Green tea has a lot of antioxidants that benefits the body in many ways and can even be used to treat acne. Its one of the most natural ways to help your skin appear brighter and flawless. I wanna show you a few ways on how to use it on your face.1. If you already d
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anitapreisa avatar
anitapreisa 11 juillet

Sounds easy :)

meyermasha avatar
meyermasha 12 juillet

Thank you :)

MakVika avatar
MakVika 12 juillet

will try it :) thanks!

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Golden look

Do you like golden look?
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Ruslan1 avatar
Ruslan1 26 juin


Punkero avatar
Punkero 26 juin

so glam

MakVika avatar
MakVika 26 juin

bit too shiny for me :)

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Stunning body

I have a few secrets how to look great and I want to share them with you.I have one special diet or maybe its not a diet, I can sy its style of life!Sassy Water!Sassy water is spruced up water named by the Prevention magazine in honor of its inventor Cynthia Sass, who created it for the "Flat Belly Diet". It's water with a buzz and a vibe, tasting a great deal better than ordinary water. As well as having almost no calories, the ginger content actually helps to calm your digestive system.Making …
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Punkero avatar
Punkero 26 juin

sounds reasonable

MakVika avatar
MakVika 26 juin

Nice post, thank you for sharing those recipes, will definitely try them :) p.s Cindy Crawford workouts are great indeed, I do them from time to time as well when I have no chance to get to the gym!

Daria13 avatar
Daria13 26 juin

I understand you, the same situation, cant visit gym and at home tried many different videos, but Cindy the best. Yes, this is old video but this exercises very good. My friends love Cindy too) and She has a good exercises for new mothers. Called "New Dimension" ;)

alltrade avatar
alltrade 27 juillet

Well, there's only one scientifically proven method of reducing bodyfat, using it! It's just stored energy. Either by consuming fewer calories than what the body needs or by increasing physical activity, or both!

alltrade avatar
alltrade 27 juillet

Ok, by "only" I mean only natural one.....which is different from liposuction & other surgical procedures..........

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How to look AWESOME on the beach

Everybody know that in this season the most popular conversation beetween girl its "How to look AWESOME on the beach"SO, 6 ways to look stunning!Out on the beach, all girls want to engage the admiring glances not only men but also women. This dream can become a reality if you will follow these simple tips.1. If you can not get rid of a couple of extra pounds, put on you swimsuit for body shaping. Choose a color that will favorably emphasize the tone of your skin. To give it a bronze color, look …
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nilsaedagar avatar

Really awesome)))+1 Liked

Punkero avatar
Punkero 26 juin


Marie avatar
Marie 27 juin

Dear Daria13! Task 4 is about your conversation topics with your friends. Is there something else you like to talk about? :)

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