

June'15: Short Foreign Exchange Outlook.

Good Evening Traders;now we see a short snapshot of US-Eu-Asia Economy Outlook:AMERICAS.The USD will remain in favour as the Fed initiates a gradual process of monetary policy normalization that will likely weigh on the CAD and MXN through the remainder of the year.The BRL will retain a bearish tone driven by the adverse effects of an acute fiscal adjustment. The commodity-intensive CLP and PEN will prepare for a negative shock fromthe Fed tightening.EUROPE.The EUR will resume a weakening phase,…
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Last from Asia

Morning Dears; we see last from Fx Market.
The FX traders’ attention shifted to China at early trading hours. The soft consumer and producer price inflation and slowdown in Chinese exports (from 15.3% to 11.6%) revived speculations for additional monetary stimulus in the coming months. The PPI y/y hit a 32-month low of -2.2%, confirming that despite direct liquidity injections and repo rate cuts in September and October, China is running below its full capacity. In this respect, the macro fundam…
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