Блог Kivetat


Lucky finding or the biggest regret

hi dear community, dear friends and known and unknown people:-))))
It is nice feeling "BACK HOME" :-)))
And after long absence i'll submit this first task with big pleasure and good emotions.
It was not difficult to find out what was the last purchase because i made it the day before yesterday:-)
To be honest not for me:-)
APRIL 14 is BIG DAY for me.....My mother's birthday....Woman who is dearest, lovest, beauties and simply irreplaceable person of my life.... I have tried to made her day unfor…
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Tach avatar
Tach 17 Апр.


Vicktoria avatar
Vicktoria 18 Апр.

Представляю как мама была счастлива))

Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 18 Апр.

Vicktoria  yes she was really touched.... And that was for me the best advantage:-)))))

tdbatinkov avatar
tdbatinkov 20 Апр.


Forex_champion avatar


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Rise and shine

Hi dear all))
this task is also great)) it gives chance to show how we keep our form, have fun and our activity in general....
Sunday is the day when i can go to gymme and keep in form myself....my health)) this activity make me feel great, feel free,healthy, wise and also it is the reason of my good mood))
Every sunday i go to gymme do many exercises and i show you it in video.... But also i wanna say that it is important to exercise not only on weekend we need to do 5-10minutes exercises every…
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Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 13 Апр.

CriticalSection  this is the only way to feel good))

Kivetat avatar
Kivetat 13 Апр.

Tach  ты должен))))

Tach avatar
Tach 13 Апр.

da ladno:))

Mariia avatar
Mariia 15 Апр.

Умница!!!!Я иногда тоже лентяйничаю,как и многие)

VictoriaVika avatar
VictoriaVika 16 Июль

Какая красавица!

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