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Apple. You have not bought the apples?

March 21 will be a presentation of new models of iPhone and iPad. Investors are prepared to buy Apple stock!
The company has long been in the "outset", which was recently broken. Quotations began to steadily move up to the new goals: 110 and $ 120 per share. Presentation of new models may become the driver that will accelerate the growth of stock!
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Jonathan Ive

Хочу написать эта статью о человеке, который внес наиболее значительный вклад в создание продукции компании “Apple”. Это - главный дизайнер Apple Джонатан Айв. Его по праву можно назвать вторым человеком в истории компании после Стива Джобса.
После его прихода в Apple в 1992 году, продукция преобразилась стала очень привлекательной, демонстрируя не только отличную функциональность, но и замечательный внешний вид. Многие потребители покупают вещи Apple именно из-за их красивого оформления.
В 20…
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vitaliani86 avatar

мне нравится!

Yulia10 avatar
Yulia10 12 5月

очень люблю продукцию этой фирмы ))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 5月

солидный дизайн ))

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

дизайн,наверное, лучший в мире!

Alexander22 avatar

да и качество самое наилучшее


Apple Watch

Добрый вечер, дорогое сообщество!
В этом месяце стартовала продажа инновационного продукта компании Apple – Apple Watch.
Несмотря на разговоры скептиков, в первый же день было продано более миллиона часов. Первыми странами, где можно было купить эту новинку стали США, Канада, Великобритания, Австралия, Япония, Германия, Франция и Китай.
Интересный факт, что эти часы не продавались в Швейцарии, которая обычно входит в список стран первой волны продаж. Одна из швейцарских часовых компаний владе…
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Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Victoria912  какие нравятся?

Natalia_Kisenko avatar

Mariia  а почем они?

Mariia avatar
Mariia 25 4月

Ой дорого наверное

Jack_fx2015 avatar

хочу такие часы )))

Wovch avatar
Wovch 15 5月

хорошие часы!


Think twice

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Good Morning!
What is good for happy breakfast?

In this picture is not what you thought at the first time you look at it..
This is not french fries and egg,
its an apple slides + yogurt and peach
More healthy and light.
I can't tell you that I prefer this Breakfast, but its the point to try something light and healthy.
Fruit & nut breakfast bowl, Green fritters, …
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Olga18375 avatar

яблоко и персик?)

Alexana5 avatar
Alexana5 7 3月

да :) это нарезанное яблоко, йогурт и персик.


I just want an apple !!!!!!!

This morning I woke at 4am. Guess what? I went to the apple store and queue outside for buying the newly released Iphone 6. I arrived the apple store at 6am (It opens at 8am). So I were already 2 hours earlier. But once I arrived, the picture shocked me!! OMG… there have been already tons of people queueing outside shit. I was so surprised that there are many people as crazy as I did, desperate for a new iPhone that much!

(arrived at 4am, already freaking long queue...........)

My t…
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peachynicnic avatar

verindur the marketing tactic of apple is always wicked

Ange_Farouche avatar

wooow! like in old soviet times... I remember those lines for food... Thanks God they stay in line for apple :)

cuteniki avatar
cuteniki 23 9月

wah! What a queue !!

Skysea avatar
Skysea 24 9月

Still you could wait a little bit , dear , hugs

TelisHellano avatar

I totally agree with Verindur.


Christmas task: an inspirational video. (click show more)

Dear ladies, I remind you of the Christmas contest we are currently running. The prizes are iPhone 5s, iPad and a Macbook Air.
Read more about the task.
Apple company have proven that they are still very good at addressing their message to their clients and are more than capable of enforcing their brand-name and value. They guys that have been working on this video have made a terrific job. I am sharing it with you to INSPIRE you. I hope this brings some Christmas spirit and we see amazing congr…
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ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 19 12月

we enjoyed snow only for a few days in the beginning of December and that's all......there are no snow left in Vilnius, all melted

Nick_T avatar
Nick_T 20 12月

Ilonalt, same here. It's like in Onegin - "<..> В тот год осенняя погода стояла долго на дворе. Зимы ждала, ждала природа. Снег выпал только в январе, на третье в ночь... <..> "

ViKtoriia avatar
ViKtoriia 20 12月

Great loving family - it's the best that can be in life.

ilonalt avatar
ilonalt 20 12月

Nick, I hope that snow will come back this year, i would like it very much :)It is more likely to meet New Year with snow outside.One of things I wanted to do in my Christmas greetings - make snow angels :)

Iryna avatar
Iryna 28 12月

Thank you! Good congratulation! My congratulations to you too!


Why Wait to get the New iPhone?

Have you ever seen huge, long lines of people waiting to get their IPhone? Have you ever wondered why would anyone wait for hours or even days to get the phone? Why are they breaking down the doors for phones they can buy online or can walk in and get at the
store later in the day? Why are people sleeping on the streets to get phones that have been updated with just a couple of new impressive features? I did little research and here is why:
1. They are really worried they won't get th
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JBTrader avatar
JBTrader 21 9月

people are crazy, that's why!

Trader_Andrew avatar

same in LA

Panzer avatar
Panzer 21 9月

These are classic lunatics, have better things to do besides waiting for hours to buy the new iPhone, which they eventually serve as the simplest phone from $ 50.

mag avatar
mag 21 9月

time is money.... people crazy,freaks,especulation, Marketing... weapons of the telecomunications companies
