Community Blog
My Lovely Kitty-cat!
I have a cat named Nora. When I was 14-teen years old I was coming from school. On the traffic light I saw a small cat under my feet, at first sight it was about 2 months. I was waiting green light to pass the road and was starring at her. Without thinking twice I decided that I will take her to my home. It was very cold outside and I put her under my coat and she began purring. Noone was at home. My parents were at their work. I washed her, gave her food, put a cat tray. When my parents came ho…
Animals Online
Probably, now there are almost no families which have no pet. And it isn't important: rodent it, bird, cat or dog. The pet becomes family member)) And here now in a trend to create the page on social networks for the favourites, to load into the Internet the photo of the loveliest and most interesting animals, many people even make money on this hobby. And, perhaps, to someone it will seem silly, but I consider it amusing. Animals are able to surprise, be nice, delight. We will remember a lovely…
Лабрадоры и снег))
Помните ли вы свои впечатления от впервые в жизни увиденного снега?)
там, где родилась я, снега было вдоволь)) по-крайней мере мне так казалось в детстве))
наступление каждой зимы было настоящим праздником: с санками, лыжами, катком, снежками, снеговиками и даже выстраиваемыми в снегу домиками и целыми замками)) не смотря на мороз или вьюгу возвращаться домой никто не хотел))
сейчас вокруг меня так много снега нету, да и в принципе, буду немного нелепо наверное выглядеть, если начну в парке стро…
там, где родилась я, снега было вдоволь)) по-крайней мере мне так казалось в детстве))
наступление каждой зимы было настоящим праздником: с санками, лыжами, катком, снежками, снеговиками и даже выстраиваемыми в снегу домиками и целыми замками)) не смотря на мороз или вьюгу возвращаться домой никто не хотел))
сейчас вокруг меня так много снега нету, да и в принципе, буду немного нелепо наверное выглядеть, если начну в парке стро…
The Cat's Paradise
This cat's paradise is located in the small town of Lee Florida, which is 65 miles from Tallahassee, USA. The owner of a shelter for the furry inhabitants of Craig Grant in the past did not like animals, but after the death of his son he got a cat that helped him.
Today, on 25 acres is home to around 600 cats, for which Grant built a lot of small houses. In these homes the animals sleep, rest, play, and live quite "human" life. Center of the square is the City Hall, the police station and the c…
Today, on 25 acres is home to around 600 cats, for which Grant built a lot of small houses. In these homes the animals sleep, rest, play, and live quite "human" life. Center of the square is the City Hall, the police station and the c…
If you love humans its 20% that u will get even a dime of that love in return, But if you love Animals its 100% guaranty that u will get the double in return.
this is called unconditional love
pls give it a try
you will b happy entire your life
Relax, take it easy
Hello dear Community!
Unfortunately, I often faced problems or unpleasant situations that are very upset me. However, I have a lot of different ways to overcome this - listening to music, dancing, drinking coffee, aromatic bathing, etc. Among other ways to relieve stress and calm down are going to sleep, dreaming about your my holidays at the sea in warm countries or new journeys.
Recently, my dog became the best way to forget about my problems. His name is Jack. I love to play with him and he …
Unfortunately, I often faced problems or unpleasant situations that are very upset me. However, I have a lot of different ways to overcome this - listening to music, dancing, drinking coffee, aromatic bathing, etc. Among other ways to relieve stress and calm down are going to sleep, dreaming about your my holidays at the sea in warm countries or new journeys.
Recently, my dog became the best way to forget about my problems. His name is Jack. I love to play with him and he …
Walking turtle
Good evening, dear Community! Usually many people walk on streets together with their dogs…
However, this strange scene can watch Tokyo residents: an old mаn walking down the street in the company of a giant turtle. Perhaps the person's name might well have been recorded in the Guinness Book as the most patient owner. Apparеntly, the couplе have bеen togеther for a vеry lоng tіme; a huge African Spurred Tortoise always paces at the feet of its owner.
Did you ever have a turtle at your home?…
However, this strange scene can watch Tokyo residents: an old mаn walking down the street in the company of a giant turtle. Perhaps the person's name might well have been recorded in the Guinness Book as the most patient owner. Apparеntly, the couplе have bеen togеther for a vеry lоng tіme; a huge African Spurred Tortoise always paces at the feet of its owner.
Did you ever have a turtle at your home?…
Good evening, dear Community!
I would like to talk about cats.
Cats have one property, and I admire them. They do not acknowledge guilt, they do not hesitate. Actually! A cat did something foolish – don’t ask it about that! If a dog turned a lamp it is immediately obvious who did that. Cаts are diffеrent. Thеy do not rеcognize guilt. Cats go to the next lesson.
- What is that? It is not me. Go away, I am a cat. Something is broken - ask the dog.
Do you agree with it?
How often did cats dama…
I would like to talk about cats.
Cats have one property, and I admire them. They do not acknowledge guilt, they do not hesitate. Actually! A cat did something foolish – don’t ask it about that! If a dog turned a lamp it is immediately obvious who did that. Cаts are diffеrent. Thеy do not rеcognize guilt. Cats go to the next lesson.
- What is that? It is not me. Go away, I am a cat. Something is broken - ask the dog.
Do you agree with it?
How often did cats dama…
Funny dogs
Hello, dear Community members!
I like dogs, sometimes they are so funny.
Recently I found some interesting photos of dogs with toys.
Animal toys were created in order to make your pet happy. But there are some ingenious toys for dogs thаt wіll nоt only delight your pet, but also cheer the owner. When the dоg is hоlding a toy in its mouth, in a form of smiling teeth, it looks terribly ridiculous and this is just getting ridiculous to us.
Dogs are not aware how silly they look with their toys…
I like dogs, sometimes they are so funny.
Recently I found some interesting photos of dogs with toys.
Animal toys were created in order to make your pet happy. But there are some ingenious toys for dogs thаt wіll nоt only delight your pet, but also cheer the owner. When the dоg is hоlding a toy in its mouth, in a form of smiling teeth, it looks terribly ridiculous and this is just getting ridiculous to us.
Dogs are not aware how silly they look with their toys…
Хотите самого преданного друга – заведите собаку. Есть много разных историй об их преданности. Сегодня речь пойдет о coбакe по имени Хатико, которая стала популярна еще в в 20-х годaх в Японии.
Этот пес был насколько преданным, что всегда старался быть рядом со своим хозяином.
Но в скором времени у хозяина случился инфаркт, в результате которого он умер. Собака даже не осознавала потерю хозяина, продолжая также ходить на перрон, в течение 9 лет и ждать хозяина с работы.
Все попытки родственни…
Этот пес был насколько преданным, что всегда старался быть рядом со своим хозяином.
Но в скором времени у хозяина случился инфаркт, в результате которого он умер. Собака даже не осознавала потерю хозяина, продолжая также ходить на перрон, в течение 9 лет и ждать хозяина с работы.
Все попытки родственни…