Anastasia_Sidneva's Blog



Me dear followers!
Here I am! I am so curious person, am I???
WHAT ABOUT YOU MY FOLLOWERS??????If you wanted to build an algorithm to find the most interesting facts in the world, how would you do it? The world is a fascinating place, and it's full of weird and interesting facts that you might have never realized were true.Sooooooo here I present 15 fascinating facts that make you think twice!!!!!!!!!!!!![list=1][/list]…
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driven avatar
driven 31 Mag

16. The mobile phone in your pocket has more computer power than the entire NASA organisation had combined when they sent two astronauts to the moon in 1969.

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 12 Giu

Yes, sometimes facts are stranger than fictions :)

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а напишу ка я сегодня пост на русском... нахлынуло...

А что для вас откровение, дорогие мои читатели?????
Знаешь, — говорит один, — у меня сейчас одновременно пять женщин. Мне это надоело, но выбрать одну у меня не выходит. Как бы мне их отсеять?
— Отсей откровением, — советует приятель.
— Как это — откровением?
— А так: почувствуй себя совершенно свободным, и каждой рассказывай всё обо всех остальных.
— Но как это поможет?
— А ты попробуй.
Следующая их встреча через полгода:
— Ну, и как? Воспользовался моим советом?
— Хороший совет. Спасибо. Когд…
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What is traveling?According to the Oxford Dictionary, the definition of travel is: to make a journey, typically of some length. Some might agree with the simplicity of that definition, others might feel some extra clarification is needed. Either way, I think that definition is vague for a reason. Travel certainly means something different to everyone and whatever it may mean to you, that’s what it means. There is no right answer and naturally, there is no wrong.
What country do you
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Jhonsep avatar
Jhonsep 23 Mag

me fascino este video

Anastasia_Sidneva avatar

yessssssssssss Jhonsep

Lencoeur avatar
Lencoeur 25 Mag

A good moment to go to Australia. AUD is weak :P

Anastasia_Sidneva avatar

what do you mean AUD is weak?) Lencoeur

Lencoeur avatar
Lencoeur 28 Mag

Australian dollar is weak. A good moment to travel there.

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