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US Dollar Price & Time Technical Anlaysis 1-4-15

Target hit on #Dollar #DX @ 91.84ish. locking in profits $$$.
Now I'm flat. Had an awesome run on it... now I want to see how it holds this level. if it continues higher will jump in again to the next vibration level. remember 91.84ish key vibration level
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EURUSD / US Dollar Technical Analysis 12-22-14

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US Dollar Technical Analysis 12-19-14

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USDJPY Technical analysis Nov 20-14

USDJPY waiting for a FNH @ 119ish to short :-)
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EURUSD Technical Analysis Nov 18th 2014

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USDJPY Technical Analysis for the week of Nov 10th 2014

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GBPUSD Technical Analysis for the week of Nov 10th 2014

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USDCAD Technical Analysis for the week of Nov 10th 2014

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EURUSD 11-7-14 Analysis

EURUSD Cracked the 1x1 on the Monthly chart @ 1.2471... Big picture target is 50% = 1.2132
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FG_Trading avatar

Yes, but the month still not closed, can see monthly spike ! And after approx. 50 % correction which I am expecting. At least I hope  :-)

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ERUSD Technical Analysis for Oct 14th 2014

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