Blog de la Communauté FX

Filtrés par étiquette:  Alexana5

Im going to Brussels! :)

Alexana back! )
Right now Im preparing to take part in European Art Forum in Belgium.
Today I got a tickets, and - wow! I saw my picture in their page!
That's nice, I like the way I've been introduced.
I also should give a speech on the Forum about art and beauty, so I have time for preparation.
Wish me luck Im so excited!
if you interested, i will share some pictures with you and on my page.
This month was inspiring for me.
I wish you have great day too
Wish you all the b…
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pipx avatar
pipx 7 nov

Good luck

Sergej_Tomilino_2 avatar

Best of luck ;)

Stix avatar
Stix 8 nov

Best wishes. :) :)

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 déc

Okay, belated good luck and all the best :))

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I just wake up at 5 a.m, as always. but this time without alarm clock.
Morning its a perfect time to think about your life and futher day.
For me,this time is important.
I feel lost sometimes, last two month. Just it happaned, that's why I took my "forgotten" projects and decide to finish them.
I thought it might help to understand myself, and where to go,and on what things to focus.
Im free right now. Free of work and other. Im in Riga,Latvia.
So, that means, I should find my ne…
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Yulia_Krasitskaya avatar

Ты справишься с трудностями и все будет хорошо)

Alexana5 avatar

Yulia_Krasitskaya Спасибо большое,Юлия! <3

RahmanSL avatar
RahmanSL 26 déc

Sometimes we humans "worry and think" too much on other people's life and problems that we forget that we too have a life to live. Whatever is to be will be so, and whatever is not to be, will not be so even if we try our best to make it so.

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Welcome Back Alexana :D

Hey Ho! Let's go!
Hi Everyone!
Im Glad to see here those who Im already Know and remember.
Too much things had happaned to me, and I want to share everything with you
This year is "katch up" year for me. Im finishing stuff I start before and want to bring untill the end.
Yjis is all my portfolios and projects, you will know about it soon.
This half of the year Im activly took part in filming, advertisements, art projects.
Everyday is new and Im glad I found time to come back here, because I miss…
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Dukascopy Community Summ Up

I guess this is the last post (I hope NOT) )
I prepared this Special video for Dukasckopy Community - "Community Summ Up" )
Just check it out, maybe you will find yourself there))
This is Community Summ Up of the month.
I wanted to make it every month, But..this idea comes too late)) I didn't knew that his is THE last month in contest.
But Okey I wish you Enjoy it!
There is Summ up of Traders & Blogging
Little queez I made(sorry I didn't had time to put all your answers here,
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JvdS87908 avatar

wonderful, and thank you as well, very well put it together ...........

Bimlesh avatar
Bimlesh 2 nov

nice... you have very nicely woven the things.. +1 :) , and its a pity I did not observe you earlier..;)

Stix avatar
Stix 2 nov

Thank you so much, Alexana5 ! Just a pleasure to bring us a little "divergence" at the end of the day. I appreciate the mention - thank you again. Lovely video too ! Very well presented. :) :)

Sharpshooter avatar

Хороший очерк. Спокойная и естественная подача. Спасибо.)) Я бы, может, написал бы и больше комментариев, если бы уловил полностью все сказанное))
За последние пару месяцев в сообществе я более, чем когда-либо, ощутил дискомфорт от того, что я не владею свободно английским. Надо будет, наверно, его подогнать)) Но это после того, как будут достигнуты мои цели на реальном счете)) Это мой приоритет сейчас)
Удачи Вам, Александра))

JulianaJ avatar

Спасибо, Alexana5! Очень приятный видео-очерк, мне вообще нравится всё что вы показываете на проекте, это талантливо и всегда с выдумкой! Удачи !

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My time in Dukascopy Community.

I want to share my thoughts and things Im noticed from beginning of this year untill now
So many changes.
Im member since beginning of this year. (February)
And I seen many -changes in Community and in blogs.
Rules are changing too.
First when I came here, I remember there were No limit of posting blogs.
Also users could use colors. And sometimes blog feed reminds me a RAINBOW.
And there were no rules for using 100 words, so sometimes feed also looks like (only pictur
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JulianaJ avatar

Молодец, мне нравится :))

JungaBunga avatar

Wow, nice attitude u have :)

Alexana5 avatar

verindur I agree, but it also right now much better, than before..some time ago it was only "smiles" as a comment.. like this"  ))"             

Alexana5 avatar

verindur  agree :)) with your point.

Alexana5 avatar

Olga18375 Thank you!!!

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