annatimone's Blog


Why it is time to bet big on Japan

Will Japan finally get out of its two decade slump?
I have heard that Japan is finally “recovering” from the very beginning of my career. Clearly all those instances have been false starts but this time there are some key differences.

The year of 1984 was a time where Japan was still economically dominant – remember all the textbooks written about Japan’s economic miracle? But Alphaville’s great song also includes the apt lyric “Here’s my comeback on the road again”.
Will the Abenomics “comebac…
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mag 28 Oct.

Thanks for sharing this explanation

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Abe reportedly to announce tax hike decision Oct. 2

According to a government source, Japanese PM Shinzo Abe won’t announce his decision on whether to raise the consumption tax until October 2. He will take into account the results of the next Bank of Japan “tankan” business sentiment survey.Abe said Tuesday that he wants to look at the tankan, due out Oct. 1, as “the last economic indicator” before making up his mind in “early October,” according to economic and fiscal policy minister Akira AmariThe current plan is that the 5% sales tax would be…
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Nadin5794 avatar

thnx Anna

annatimone avatar

Thank you, Ms. Nadia. I missed you here. I haven't see you here for a while.

Nadin5794 avatar

спасибо,но я всегда была здесь,просто предпочла некоторое молчание ))

annatimone avatar

I see. Sometimes it's good to be silent and just observe. Well, welcome back to communication..:) I would love to chat a little longer, but it's 1am here in New York. Time to go to bed. I hope all is well on your end...:) Goodnight Nadichka..:)

Nadin5794 avatar

)))thnx dear frend and good night...

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When will we actually believe in a recovery?

There was some very interesting response after the latest upbeat UK figures. The problem with judging a recovery is that you can’t confirm it until many months later when you can look back and say, “yep, that’s a recovery”. If a few figures start slipping early on then the fear creeps back in that the good run was temporary, the problems seem as bad as ever, and we’re all doomed….again, and so on. What are we supposed to do then? Do we fade the good figures if we believe that they will rever…
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