AdamFx42's Blog


Looking to trade again this week

I am looking forward to trading again this week

After losing everything the past couple of contests I am trading a different way now
I have one long position NzdUsd, that I will treat with care
I plan to guard my margin carefully and not lose it all again this month
Then I shall see how far I can get
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Closing up for the weekend with a loss

I am down to around 65K today, and looking to close before the weekend

I have three Aud and Nzd long positions opened at the moment
I am looking to close my Aud positions and hopefully leave my NzdUsd long open
It will depend how much leverage I am using on the position before weekend close
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Trying my hand again at NZD and AUD long

This month I will be trying to long Nzd and Aud again

I think Nzd and Aud still may move up soon, could be this month
The pairs NzdUsd and AudUsd look supported below
I will be going long AudUsd and NzdUsd and other crosses this month
Trying to build a healthy profit - see how far I get
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Doing alright after early drawdown in the contest

I started this month's contest with quite a drawdown yesterday

I thought that I was going to be stopped out yesterday during trading
after I went long Nzd and Aud crosses and suffered a drawdown to around 50K
I wanted to buy Aud and Nzd from lows but they went lower than I thought
Now, we are going back up again and it looks alright
I will be adding and keeping Aud and Nzd longs for a while now
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Trying NZD and AUD longs again this month

I am trying to get Nzd and Aud longs to work again this month

I am going long AudUsd and NzdUsd from lows this month
I will try to add Aud and Nzd long crosses
I have seen a resistance area for GbpNzd
I may short this pair later on the contest too
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Still long AUD and NZD, now short GBP too

I am still buying AudUsd and NzdUsd, and Aud and Nzd crosses

I also am short GbpNzd now, as it popped back above 1.9 today
It was looking weak yesterday, and I don't expect it to survive above 1.9 level
I have bought dips in Aud and Nzd crosses, I expect moves higher and breaking of
previous highs in these pairs after the strong moves up yesterday
This should continue
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Good start to new month in contest

I started off well in this Contest month buying Aud
Last night at the start of the contest Australian data came out - interest rate decision
Because it was widely expected by traders to be left on hold, I thought of a trade
I went long AudUsd for a rally after the interest rate decision - and betted they would hold rates
At the same time I shorted GbpAud and EurAud because of technicals in these pairs pointed to the downside
The strategy paid off and I find myself in the top 10 traders right awa…
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First losses on trades this month

I took my first losses on trades today
I opened Aud/Usd long yesterday above daily supportline trendline
I also opened a long Gbp/Usd above 1.46 because that level was holding
I woke this morning down about 25K, my Aud/Usd long had hit SL below trendline
I opened a long Aud/Usd just above the lows as it looked to be recovering
I opened long Aud/Chf and Nzd/Chf above weekly trenline support lines - these did pay off nicely
My long Gbp/Usd hit SL too, and I closed all positions with just 10K loss
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Stopped out but back in before FOMC

I was stopped out (again) yesterday
I was down to around 20K when my Nzd/Usd long was stopped out yesterday afternoon
I was going to give up again
then I remembered what one of the community members once said to me:
you never give up
This made sense, and I thought that I might try to get my 100K back again this month
It would be better than pulling another 80% loss statistic
I would blame myself later for not trying, if it came to, for example, a leading place in the trader of the year contest
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Australian data surprises to the upside - comments dissapoint

Last night was a bit of a blow to my positions but I am staying in
Australian unemployment data was excellent, but comments disappointed
It would seem that Australia has a long way to economic recovery yet
Technically, this completes the picture for me though,
retracement of 61.8% of last move is complete and is supported by a trendline up
I am staying long Aud
I am staying short Nzd too, because 0.65 has provided support again in Nzd/Usd
It is time to hold on
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