alicekrispi's Blog


Final day on Marathon!

Вот и подошёл к концу мой марафон.
Я несказанно рада, что данное испытание послужило для меня своеобразным толчком под зад.
Я упорно делала планку и упражнения на пресс, правильно питалась и много ходила, пила достаточное количество воды и, в принципе, довольна результатом за 21 день.
Я выкинула много хлама из дома и из головы. Пересмотрела своё отношение к питанию и к досугу.
У меня также стояла цель "Достинуть цели". Изначально я смотрела на эту цель как на путь к лучшему облику, однако всё з…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Daily report, my life goals

Hi guys,
Everything is going on very good. I complete my tasks and my goals, keep my healthy way of live, have already got used to it.
Also, unfortunately, there is something I cannot share with you right now, but I have made several steps on the way to my goal and wishes. You know, your thoughts are really able to come true, just try it.
I have come to an idea that everything what we do and what happens with us, happens for the better. I truly believe in it. If one dore closes the other one alw…
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Przetłumacz na Angielski Pokaż oryginał
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Day 15!

I've catched a cold, spend 11 hours per day at work and feel completely exhausted, however, I still manage to come with my Marathon.
Today in the morning I drank 1 glass of water, was drinking it every time I wanted to eat or drink and before my meals.
I also did planks in the morning, sit-ups and went 11,200 steps.
I excluded fast food, do not eat food with "hidden" sugar and do not eat anything sweet.
My appearance seems to become more attractive. I'm glad to it.
Having got some problems at wo…
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Day 12

Hi guys!
Today I feel not really good, so my post will be short.
I still continue eating healthy food without sugar, walking 10,000 steps per day and drinking a lot of water. Do not visit fastfood restaurants, do planks twice a day and spend much less time on Social Media. I want to say that I'm getting used to it. Now doing all the staff is becoming easier.
What about you, guys? How do you feel on your way to success?
Всем привет!
Сегодня я неважно себя чувствую, поэтому мой пост будет, как у П…
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My results in 9 days

Starting this Marathon, for sure, I was hoping to get some results, however, I was unaware that the results will appear so soon!
You know, my body is already not the same as it was 9 days ago. First of all,
1. Thanks to doing planks I feel that I'm becoming stronger;
2. Drinking water helps me to be more energetic and to consume less water;
3. Walking 10,000 steps a day makes me more hardy;
4. Eating less sugar makes my skin better and me less addicted to sweet.
The best thing here for me - whe…
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SlavaLi спасибо)

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very nice girl!

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TashaAnd 17 Kwi

Тебе идут кудри!)

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TashaAnd спасибо)

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How I prefer to do sit-ups :)

As Wikipedia says, the sit-up (or curl-up) is an abdominal endurance training exercise commonly performed to strengthen and tone the abdominal muscles. It is similar to a crunch (crunches target the rectus abdominus and also work the external and internal obliques), but sit-ups have a fuller range of motion and condition additional muscles.
I’m not a sporty person, however, I like sit-ups. I like them because if t…
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