fr33m4n's Blog


Final Day : Dukascopy Marathon

It is the end of the Dukascopy marathon contest for me, but it is not the end of the lifestyle changes I have been practicing. It has been a very enlightening experience and a big challenge to myself. I have learnt to appreciate the benefits of healthy living and sticking to a work-out routine.
I actually feel very proud of myself, yeah I did!
I will be going to bed with a big smile. 21 days of strict adherence to some very serious life style changes.
Today’s achievements:
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Day 20: Dukascopy Mararthon

Today went by very quickly.
First, I had to be at work quite early for a meeting and presentation; so, I had to get out of bed earlier than usual. I was able to put in my early morning run and completed the 10,000 steps obligation.
The run left me feeling very awake; I am guessing this is what they call a runner’s high; that rush of blood and Adrenalin that comes from bodily exertion.
Then my cross-fit routine and 75 sit-ups.
Somehow, I was able to do all this within two hours, most of this ti…
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