Hello. How interesting is our nature. Today I want you to notice which food is useful for the body, and how certain fruits or vegetables are similar in its form to the organs of the human body. Thus, if it give us an understanding what is needed in our diet and will bring only benefits. External similarity of grape juice or red wine and blood obvious, but beyond that the grape have the most beneficial effect on the state of the blood. Wine protects you from cholesterol, which causes the disease. Moreover, the wine has a diluting effect, preventing the formation of blood clots. Probably, everyone noticed the resemblance of a walnut and brain, the most important thing of our body, I guess. Moreover, that the nuts are extremely beneficial to the brain, saturating it with vitamins essential fatty acids. Ginger root looks like a stomach. And if we look at its properties, it helps to cope with nausea and symptoms of poisoning. It will help even with toxemia of pregnant women. Known fact is that carrots improves vision. And it is very similar to a cross section of the eye. Vitamins and antioxidants of carrots help you to save or restore the vision, but you'll get a greater effect if you eat them with foods containing fat sour cream or a vegetable oil. Celery looks like a bones and help them! Large amounts of sodium and silicon allows to enrich them from outside the body, instead of pulling the nutrients from the bones, making them brittle. Tomato is like the heart, consists of a camera, but is not limited to only resemblance. Lycopene helps to cope with heart disease or even prevent it. However, it is better to use it in conjunction with food fats, like carrots it will increase the digestibility in 10 times! The form of sweet potato reminds us of the pancreas. It protects it (and our entire organism too) from cancer and aging. Rich with antioxidant product affects all tissues of the human body. Also, it should be added that for women is very useful to eat avocado, grapefruit and other citrus fruits. For men are very good the mussels. Hope this information will be useful for you and also I wish all of you to be very healthy!

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