This topic is very interesting, because I believe that women run the world. Even if the president is female, he has a wife so she is his support. Without women men won't be that successful as they are. Everything that is done, is done only for the women.

And now I need to choose 3 the most important and woman from the given list... It is very difficult because each on them deserve to be the "Inspiration for human beings". Of course it depends what exactly are you interested in - politics, economics, science or fashion. If you are interested in politics, Sonia Gandhi, Park Geun-hye, Dilma Rousseff and of course Angela Merkel will be your ideals and muse. These persons are very important in politics of the different countries or even world wide. They did a lot for developing their countries that's why they deserve to get very wide publicity.
If you are interested in economy, if you follow the latest news related to economics, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Margaret Chan, Mary Jo White would be very important from your point of view. They did a lot for the economy of the countries. They can influence different instances that are not closely related to economics, but because of their hard work wellness of the country is increasing.
For scientists Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Elizabeth Blackburn would be the idols and human beings that influenced lives of each creatures all over the world. These women invented and researched very important things that influenced our future lives.
We can discuss and argue who is the most important and more than other influenced our lives, but there will be as many opinions as much people live on the planet. But exactly for me there is only 1 person that inspire me to do smth good for people and somehow improve the world - my mum. She is the best, she is my ideal!
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